Rate & Review "Stop Or My Dog Will Shoot"

How would you rate "Stop Or My DOg Will Shoot"?

  • 5/5 - A boy's gotta go with his dog

    Votes: 23 10.6%
  • 4/5

    Votes: 63 28.9%
  • 3/5

    Votes: 86 39.4%
  • 2/5

    Votes: 36 16.5%
  • 1/5 - Put it to sleep

    Votes: 10 4.6%

  • Total voters
Pretty average. Really good story, but little to no humor worth mentioning. It felt like a season 10 episode with a season 2-level story.

BTW, after seeing Ice Cream Of Margie again tonight, I really, really like it. Great episode, that one. Homer is wonderful.
^yea, after seeing some of these episodes again, i'm loving them. like this one, moe'n'lisa,please homer don't hammer 'em, etc.
Did we have another new sax solo? Full opening? I was hoping for something good, but dog episodes tend to be bland and get boring.

I voted a 4/5 for a well-written script, but I'll have to re-watch it because something didn't feel right...

And where was Rudy Giuliani? Another step down for this episode. I'm hoping 24 Minutes will make me forget about this mini-disaster.
Stop or I'll shoot my TV

Wow, that was pretty much horrible. I mean, compared to some other ones, it was okay, but still, they can do better. I only liked two things. 1: The cops and their emotions. Always funny. 2: That'll do snake. It would have been better if they had some of those mice or something, but I think that they used that joke already. I was actually happy to go to Family Guy, even with the Brokeback Mountain crap.

P.S. Would they have to credit MC Hawking if they used some other voice synthesizer?
I loved this episode. There weren't too many jokes that made me go nuts, but there were even less horrible ones. I had pretty low expectations for this, but it turned out great.

I loved how they got stuck in the maze, Homer thinking Marge wanted a divorce, "there won't be no trial", and the entire Snake (not the animal, the character) sequence. I also enjoyed the "internet of the 19th century" and the animation on SLH going through the maze. Lou's line "who's going with who?" was one of the best I've ever heard.

The only things I didn't like were the cutting of the snake, Homer's dog impersonation, and Homer thinking they were going to Octoberfest.

God, I keep thinking of more good things as I type and struggling to find bad things. Chief Wiggum was excellent. Overall a 4.5 / 5. I originally lowered it to a 4, but now I'm actually considering giving it perfect.
Didn't like it that much. Homer was really, really irritating. The plot was pretty decent, but the jokes were really not that good. Not particularly memorable overall. Only great joke was the Microsoft Word Clippy mascot on the computer monitor. C-
son of a wiggum said:
I loved how they got stuck in the maze, Homer thinking Marge wanted a divorce, "there won't be no trial"

Subjective differences, again. That was one of the only things in the episode that nearly made me cringe with revulsion. :D Fortunately, I don't think they dragged it on too long.
Chuckles Manson said:
Subjective differences, again. That was one of the only things in the episode that nearly made me cringe with revulsion. :D Fortunately, I don't think they dragged it on too long.

That whole bit made me shake my head. "UGH...not more Homer & Marge marriage jokes! It couldn't be possible!" :ashamed:
My favorite so far this season. I loved the aspect of SLH being treated like a human cop, and the emotional stuff was great since it didn't go over the top like I was afraid it would. I really liked the ending, with just the one movie reference joke, as opposed to one big joke to go away thinging WTF.
Overall it wasn't the greatest episode and it really was dragged down by some afwul jokes.

The Good
I thought the stuff with SLH as a police dog was pretty good and it was nice seeing Lou in a prmoinent role
The bit with the snake wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
The sequence with SLH in the maze
The Police Dolphin

In the end, a 3/5. Good effort, but dragged down by some terrible "jokes"
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Didn't like it. I don't really feel like writing a full review right now, but the good was mainly Lou and the rest of the SPD and the police dolphin. Everything else was pretty meh, except for Homer getting strangled which was cringeworthy.

EDIT: I also liked the snake being sold per foot, and the microsoft paperclip gag.
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5/5: A Terrific Episode!

Wonderful emotion from SLH and Bart (SLH biting Bart shocked me).

Bart: "Yessum"

Great Robocop parody capped with Bart's "Cool"

Loved all the 70s style cop show music.

Loved the dolphin at the academy and was very pleased when he made his second appearance.

Overall it seemed very fresh.
Got some big projects I'm working on, so I'll make this review quick.

Out of all the characters in the series, the cops are some of the very few who have been able to retain their humor after all these years. That's why having them in the spotlight is a treat. And it's also why I hope they never become whored out. Heck, this was probably the biggest development of Lou this series has ever given us.

A lot of the jokes were actually...pretty good. A lot of great one-liners in this ("Santa's Little Helper can't leave us! He's a dog, not Grampa!"). Was that supposed to be a parody of an FPS with SLH in the maze? There were also a fair share of jokes that bombed, and Homer was a bit obnoxious in the first act, also. The plot itself was decent enough up until the snake bit, which I wasn't fond of in the least bit. But the emotion was kinda nice for once.

Though to be completely honest, I was switching back and forth between homework and watching TV the entire time, so I may have missed a few things (like this computer gag everyone's raving about). Also, my mom barged in the room in the middle to talk and I couldn't convince her to leave for like a minute. Fortunately I taped it, so I'll rewatch it later, but for now, it gets a B-.

It had some good moments (the ending I thought was pretty good) and some bad. But overall pretty good episode.

Who did Maurice Lamarche play? I saw his name in the credits, but couldn't place where I heard his voice.
What I want to know is:

WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THE WRITERS SUDDEN OBSESSION WITH HOMERS "BREASTS"? They have made 3 or 4 "jokes" about it this season alone.
Hm, I'm going to give it a 3/5. Or a 3.5/5 to be exact.

I generally liked it. Now as I've said before, I love the SPD and this episode's only backed that up, I really felt like they carried the episode. The Dolphin, the week off, a lot of the exchange between Wiggum and the others were all at least pretty amusing. I thought the channeling of hateful energy into violent imagery was pretty funny. Lou seems like a pretty cool guy. Heh, I guess Eddie's eternally the force's fallout guy (he was in the suit here being attacked by dogs, then like...a billion years ago remember the Road Rage episode with Marge and the bear suit.)

But SLH got some fun in there too I thought surprisingly. The way he was in this episode was a big sort of light parody of a lot of classic cop shows. You know, where the well meaning but naive rookie gets a bad taste from the court system and other things. It was definitely the most amusing use of the dog I've seen in quite a while. And its been a while since Martin got a sort of funny scene in there. The computer scene was pretty funny too.

I marked some off because generally it was sort of light on humor, and it didn't have incredible emotional period either so its kind of a fly on by episode. The intro was sort of the weakest part, but it set up everything and while maybe it could have been done better...I can't really think of another way. The parts with the police were definitely the better parts but I didn't think there was anything that stood out as incredibly bad. Although it was sort of weird how Wiggum was kind of a cool guy before SLH went in, then suddenly he's sort of a jerk right after he comes out. I wish Lou got at least one more word in there in the end with Bart and the dog or something with a little more closure to that whole thing instead of the thing with the Snake and Willie. I think that would have topped it all off well and made the lack of flat out humor a little better. Would have upgraded to 4/5 then.

But I know these episodes have a couple of minutes taken off now because of increases commercial use, so I guess there was no way around it. Sad I guess. I wonder if these new episodes have a lot of cut material because of that...

But anyways, like I said, 3.5/5

Oh, one more thing. When they were in the academy and the one week joke happened, that tune that was played...I haven't heard that tune since Bart the General. Also, the hole in the bottom of the car...could that possibly be some light reference to earlier episodes?

Also one last thing (I swear! lol) The computer-y looking maze I think was definitely a reference. It looked sort of like oldschool Doom or Castle Wolfenstein. Or maybe even Phantasy Star although I'm not sure if the writers would have been aware of that one.
I can see your Doodle said:
What I want to know is:

WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THE WRITERS SUDDEN OBSESSION WITH HOMERS "BREASTS"? They have made 3 or 4 "jokes" about it this season alone.

That aside, I didn't care for this particular joke because it was basically the same as in "Days of Wine and D'ohses".
A very funny episode, but it still had it's share of flaws. The first act did seem to meander a bit, especially with all those jokes in the maze, but I liked the direction of the sequence with Santa's Little Helper in the maze (needless Stephen Hawking appearance or not). Another training montage, well at least this one wasn't set to a pop tune. I think more could have been done to express how broken up Santa's Little Helper was psychologically as a result of his job. Santa's Little Helper really only had two assignments and suddenly he's lashing out at Bart, I would have liked more if the process was darker or more intense. I even thought that the plot would become more about SLH trying to put Snake behind bars, but nonetheless I was impressed by the story at the end of the third act, and the scene with Bart getting bitten was simple, but effective.

Again, Santa's Little Helper doesn't seem to get a whole lot of attention due to the lack of scenes with him and Lou living together, and alot of time being devoted to the new pet snake. I liked the final rescue sequence, though the climatic moment where Bart had to choose felt a little gratuitous. Still, what sold me on this episode was the humor, I laughed out loud quite a bit in this episode. There were clunkers like the Shamrock Shake argument and the court sequence, but there was some very memorable comedy to be found here. Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, the police dolphin, the cornicopia sequence, Bart's police dog fantasy, and Skinner's line-up system all had me laughing quite a bit. It's flawed episode to be sure, but I had fun watching it, so I give it a respectable 3/5.
Yeah maybe we really didn't need the dinner table scene with the Snake. I mean, generally the snake thing came into the plot pretty well...but thinking about it the end would have been just the same without that scene. The Snake's only purpose really was to give SLH an excuse to go back to Bart so we really didn't need that much exposure to it. As well as seeing more of Lou it would have been cool to see more of the dog showing signs of wanting to go back to Bart, a little more gradual than leaving it all for the climax.

That, and a little more closure in the end that I mentioned would be the only things I'd really change. It'd give it more focus. I still enjoyed it though.
I wasn't fond of the Strangles stuff, but a lot of the SLH stuff (Bart feeling rejected by him, SLH turning into Robocop, SLH being smart enough to go through a hole in the car, SLH being smart enough to find Homer, SLH eventually taking a shine to Bart again) were enjoyable to watch and gave the episode a genuinely heartelt feel it's lacked - perhaps due to the Bart-SLH dynamic going unexplored for a long time. Despite all that, I don't think this was a classic, although it was very enjoyable to watch.
Maybe it's just because I watched this while very tired, but I loved this episode. Everyone felt in character (Although Homer was a little too dumb in parts, especially in the maze) and I thought Lou was used very well.

The only thing that bugged me was the snake. I felt it was unneeded, and the plot could have been resolved without it...that being said, I think it was handled well, and the snake plot could have been done a lot worse.

I don't really know what to say about this episode. The plot wasn't anything terribly brilliant, but it was executed well enough and I enjoyed the vast majority of the jokes in this one.
bovine_university said:
Skinner's line-up system had me laughing quite a bit.

I can't believe I almost forgot that joke. Quite possibly one of my favorites for the whole season. Skinner can be hilarious when done well and not made into some pathetic loser, like 70% of the characters on the show in recent years.
I thought it was a pretty superb parody of cop-type movies. Amazingly Chief Wiggum didn't annoy me the way he usually does as of late. I don't get what the SLH in the maze scene was referencing, but the writers seem to have made my dream of having Stephen Hawking as a recurring character a reality. Much love for the Skinner's line-up lines. The "my dog bit me!" is up there with "Killed [in a game]... by my own son" when it comes to really lackluster act breaks. As far as dog episodes go, I'd rank this under the Laddie episode but above Suds McDuff. B+