NEWS: Kelsey Grammer Doesn't Know Who Sideshow Mel Is

Dark Homer

pineapple shoes
Oct 18, 2001
This is from a small interview in the latest issue of Newsweek. link here

You do the voice of Sideshow Bob in "The Simpsons." Do you hate Sideshow Mel?
What's that?

Sideshow Mel, Bob's replacement.
Oh, you know what, I haven't stayed up with it. It's a horrible confession to make. I've seen "The Simpsons" several times but I have not seen Sideshow Mel. Isn't that sad?

more like kelJERK grammer :angry:
Let's spread nasty rumours that Kelsey hates Dan Castellaneta too.

Seriously, you'd think he'd be a bigger fan, but oh well. I don't really care for Frasier. Oh ho ho.
That's strangely hilarious, that Bob doesn't know Mel. He isn't fit to hold his slide whistle anyway.
I saw him on Last Call last night. He says even with Frasier gone he still has Sideshow Bob, he's a continuing legend.
For shame! I'lll let him off though, because he does a great job with Sideshow bob, and Fraiser is hilarious- damn you people!
That's shameful. That's like appearing on Frasier and not knowing the name of that um... dog. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that Kelsey Grammer is a pedophile.
Oh my god, how can you forget Mel? I mean, he's only had like one important role in the entire series.

But, Mel appears in some of the Bob episodes. Doesn't Kelsey watch even those?

And Fraiser is alright.
Brentyn said:

I You guys are sad. WHO CARES?!

People care because he's a fucking Republican.

And his wife has irritable bowel syndrome.

Those two factoids alone just beg for people to abuse him and laugh; when combined with his lack of Simpsons knowledge, it makes him... oh, I don't know... Hitler?
Kelsey was also on the Daily Show sometime last month and Sideshow Bob came up. Stewart said he was concerned because the last time he saw Bob, he was about to be decapitated. Kelsey replied, "Don't worry, he's made another appearance since." He then continued to describe this appearance and I'm pretty sure he was describing "Cape Feare." Only about a decade off .. fairly close.
It's only fair: We don't care for Frasier, he doesn't care for The Simpsons. I mean, Bob is one of the greatest characters, but you don't think ALL 300+ past guest stars watch the show on a regular basis?
I agree with Tibor, I think it's more humorously ironic than anything else. I don't think he needs to watch the show all the time just because he was on it, it would actually be almost pathetic if he watched the show just because he was on it a few times.
Kelsey: "Yes, siree, good old Sideshow Mel, yakkin' it up on the old yak-box...

Ohhhh! Sideshow Mel!!"

Seriously, though, by nature of their roles, has Sideshow Bob and Sideshow Mel really ever operated on the same stage? Within the show, Mel's commented on Bob before, but has Bob even had a line about Mel? Its not surprising at all that Kelsey wouldn't get the "Mel" reference off the top of his head.
I'd say a lot of fans of the show (as in people that are just casual fans and watch it fairly regularly or once in a while) probably could not name sideshow Mel. I was recently interviewing people on the street (if someone wants me to I'll explain) and someone who apparently owns the Simpsons dvds could still not name a few characters like Ned Flanders and Lovejoy.

In Mel's case he's really a pretty minor character, who rarely speaks and mostly only shows up as continuity for Krusty's show. It would be one thing for Grammer to not know Bart or whatever, but Mel isn't a character that anyone other then us nerds particularly cares about.
DotheBartman said:
... but Mel isn't a character that anyone other then us nerds particularly cares about.

We're not nerds, we're chess jocks!! </saved by the bell (I think)>
Roger Myers III said:
Seriously, though, by nature of their roles, has Sideshow Bob and Sideshow Mel really ever operated on the same stage? Within the show, Mel's commented on Bob before, but has Bob even had a line about Mel? Its not surprising at all that Kelsey wouldn't get the "Mel" reference off the top of his head.

I think the closest it ever came was Krusty talking to Bob about Mel, and he was only refered to as 'that schmoe'. So no, I guess Bob never would have heard it.

Pointless as this is, it's funny. Funny that he wouldn't know, and funny that he'd ask "What's that" about Mel rather than 'Who'. But Grammer not knowing who Mel is is, of course, understandable.
DotheBartman said:
I was recently interviewing people on the street (if someone wants me to I'll explain)

Please do.

Mel isn't a character that anyone other then us nerds particularly cares about.

I'm not a nerd, nerds are smart.

You know I think that quote is actually a mistake. I always thought Geeks were smart but nerds were just sad people.
He's probably familiar with the character. He just might not know him by name. Besides, he doesn't have to watch the show because he's guested on it a few times. Maybe he doesn't like it.