I guess that guy I was debating with is happy about this news (you know who you are).
Me on the other hand? It's disappointing that Azaria would give in to these people(thanks dumb documentary��) and stop voicing a character he's done for 25 years.
Lost all respect for him.
I think as far I know, he decided on his own. And if so, fair enough.

Frankly, with the way people are nowadays there's no telling who will or won't go defensive and double down on it like in "No Good Read Goes Unpunished" or only now like him specifically because of racial stereotyping to "own the libs" or some shit. So, props to Hank for not doing that at the very least. Never know when you'll have people show some really ugly colours, like JK Rowling going full TERF... So I guess I've got a lil' more respect.
I guess that guy I was debating with is happy about this news (you know who you are).
Me on the other hand? It's disappointing that Azaria would give in to these people(thanks dumb documentary��) and stop voicing a character he's done for 25 years.
Lost all respect for him.

I don't know about you, but maybe there might be a new replacement to work at the Kwik-E-Mart next season. Either that or someone else other than Hank Azaria might voice Apu
I don't know about you, but maybe there might be a new replacement to work at the Kwik-E-Mart next season.

If they did that, I'd like it to be a character who hasnt shown up in ages like Scott Christian, but it'll likely just be Gil.
I wonder what this means for stuff outside the show that already has Apu being voiced by Azaria prominently in it. Like I recently played a Simpsons slot machine that had Apu in a big way in it. That machine was so cool and had to have been made recently, so I’ll be bummed if they pack it up. Also stuff like the Simpsons game in the Xbox 360 era..will it not ever be able to be ported now?

I’m fine with this for the show but it worries me about this other stuff a little.
Matt groening also rode the Lolita Express so anything he says is suspect