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i love all of them but like ummmmm, a lion lol (that's the only scary one i can think of)

most relatable fictional character?
It's hard to go with just one character. But I find myself relating to the cynics a lot, such as Hank Moody, BoJack Horseman, Duckman and Squidward. Not that I'm necessarily as downbeat or troubled as they can be, but I can often empathise with the inner conflict, guilt and regret that they all go through to a lesser extent or more. Though with Squidward it's mostly wanting to fulfill an artistic dream (For me it's making movies rather than music) as well as being frustrated when people won't just leave me alone. As nice as SpongeBob is he would be unbearable to deal with in real life. There's nothing worse than people who just talk endlessly at length while you're trying to find some excuse to get away, or who make tons of noise when you want to relax.

Most relatable real-life person?
Pizza. I remember that my dad painted it as a big deal, in the end it is pretty bland for me

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Gal Godot in the first Wonder Woman plays the naive and curious Diana pretty well. Then it became blatantly apparent that that's the extent of her acting abilities.

What's a  bad performance from an actor who you usually like?
A character being saddled with something and getting berated by the person who caused the problem for not being comfortable with it is easily one of my least favorite tropes. Like girl, you can't force your husband to take care of a bunch of people he hasn't even met and then yell at him when he's understandably upset about the lack of communication!

Sorry, I was thinking about a specific movie typing this rant.

A trope that's been used many times but you still like?
2 or more characters get warned not to do something, they do it anyways and at the end they learn a lesson

a type of person you hate?
Narcissistic people, namely the ones who all they do is shit talk and complain about everything/everyone. I work with one of those and it's infuriating.

Least favourite cartoon character?
Canada, United States (particularly Alaska) or Australia.

Somewhere you've been that you'd like to go to again someday?
1. you can trust them with your biggest secret

2. if they're caring and nice

3. their loyalty

(if a person has one of these qualities, or more) i'll like them, not these only tho

what's your favorite animated movie