Your first post ever/earliest one you can find


honestly an awful post but i was young, reckless, and ready to debate the flaws of season 9, can you blame me (yes)
good list overall, although i'd have switched most of the Scullys in there for some abominable Jean efforts that missed out. Seasons 11 and 12 in particular have their faults but when on form the jokes are still good. Most of the Jean series? Less so.

from the Bottom 50 Episodes Results Thread because I couldn't find the voting thread.
I noticed today when I watched "Papas got a brand new badge" that when Bart begs to do some looting and Homer says no, and then Bart asks if he can drink a beer and Homer says yes. Then Marge is like "Homer!!!" and Homer says "You gotta set your limits Marge..."

I never really payed attention to that quote, but then realized that Homer thought that when Marge yelled "Homer!!!," that she was upset that he wasnt allowing Bart to loot. Homer's idea of setting limits was not letting him loot, but at least let him drink a beer. I dont know, I just thought that was very clever scene for a season 13 episode.

ugh bad, no way was I that stupid...
probably a music link post in what is now the music sharing forum on b&r. after coming back, something in a game thread i think. that dumb numbers thread that N started i believe. seemed like a safe place to begin.
"I'm watching the episodes, in order, with someone who has never seen any of them before. We are on Season 7 and the last episode I saw was "Bart Sells His Soul". A+ One of my top 10 favorite..."

Nothing special lol, just posting in the "Last Episode You Watched" thread. Although it was searching for stuff about "Bart Sells His Soul" that led me to find this forum.
man nitsy that post takes me back #nostalgia
Yup. May of 2014. Back when I was still living with 9 people in a party house. Those were the days...
My first post was this review for Mom and Pop Art.

It's got the occasional WTF moment, but overall, I would consider it to be a very good episode for its time. 4/5 (A-)

In case anyone was wondering, I would probably give it a low 3/5 now...
Here you go, Kaine:

Oh boy, my very first post on this forum. Got a few idea's for more Treehouse of Horror movies that are actually horror:

1. Freddy VS Jason VS The Simpsons - After Freddy (or Willy from Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace) has been defeated by Bart and Lisa, he uses Jason Voorhees to slaughter some people who live in the same street where The Simpsons live in. He Ultimately ends up killing Ned Flanders and Edna. Freddy gets framed for the murders, and all the childeren are remembering him back more and more. For the ultimate vengeance, Freddy sends Jason to kill The Simpsons. Homer & Marge manage to take him down, while Bart and Lisa enter Freddy's dream to try and bring him to the real world. Freddy has been succesfully pulled out, and fights against both Jason and the Simpsons at the same time as a final showdown. The episode ends with Jason beheading Freddy, but afterwards Homer beheads Jason aswell. They throw both heads in nuclaire waste, hoping to never see them again. However,Mr Burns find them, and decides to keep them for... personal uses...

2. Silent Hill, Silent Maggie - Marge and Maggie are on the road, looking for a place to stay before further heading out back to Springfield. They discover Silent Hill, and decide to look for a hotel. Only to discover that the city is completely empty, and that the city actually has quite a history behind it. At the same time, Chief Wiggum and his policemen enter Silent Hill aswell, but get killed by some of the local monsters. Maggie gets lost, and is later on found with a group of mad people. Can't really think of a good ending, I'll let the writers make one.

3. Dead Simpson (instead of Dead Space) - Homer is an engineer, and volunteered to come with a small group to investigate a lost spaceship. His actual goal is to find Marge, who was on board of the ship during a Necromorph (deadly aliens) outbreak. He discovers the existance of the Necromorphs, and kills them in a hilarious way. Later on he gets betrayed a couple of times, and finds out Marge killed herself in fear of getting ripped apart by a Necromorph. After getting betrayed, Homer has been transported to a populated spaceship during a coma. After breaking out, he witnesses a lot of Springfielders getting killed by Necromorphs. In a hilarious scene, he purposely doesn't save Ned Flanders from getting brutally killed by a Necromorph, and afterwards enjoys stomping on Ned's face (who has been transformed). The episode ends with Homer returning to Earth, where Bart and Lisa will be asking where he has been for a while. Homer will answer ''you never wanna know...''

Pretty terribly episode names, wrote it in a hurry :P
I've been looking at many people's first posts, hoping to find interesting ones. Here's [MENTION=20302]Shaunbadia[/MENTION]'s kickass review of The Simpsons Movie:

Hey! This is my 1st post ever on the site & what better way to start it than with a review of The Simpsons movie, that I just saw a few hours ago.

I thought that the I&S cartoon at the begning was pretty good, but as soon as I saw Homer shout "Boring!", & then say that everyone watching the movie is a sucker & then points at the viewer and says, "Especially you!", that we were back into what I thought was classic Simpsons material.
I was a little dissapointed that there was no couch gag but at least the, "I will not illegaly download this movie", chalkboard gag was funny.

Also it was great to see the Simpsons step into the light of crudness that TV does not allow, with memorable gags such as Bart flashing his privates & Homer giving Springfeild the fingers as he escapes.
Though it would have been funny to hear someone like Krusty or Moe use the F-word.

Plot wise, I think it was great. I thought it was clever to have Grandpa possesed by God in the church. Plus seeing him go "Woop, woo, woo, woop woop, woop ,woop!", was funny, as well as a nice callback to the episode, "Last exit to Springfield".
I loved the Bart-Flanders subplot. It really gave the nude skateboarding scene some good purpose & didn't make it seem tagged on for the sake of seeing Bart's wang.
Homer's entire role with Spider-pig/Harry Plopper was perfect. At first I thought Homer was going to take that pig everywhere with him, but they knew when to stop & I think the pig served it's purpose. Plus it would be nice to find out if the pig survived after the family left the dome. The rest of Homer's plot in the movie was stewed to a perfection. From the back-breaking moments of pain such as the rock and a hard place gag & the clap for alaska gag, to the emotional parts between him & Marge as well as him and Bart. It couldn't be beaten. Another good scene was with Homer & Bart riding around the dome on the motorcycle. As well as the nice callback to the episode, "Bart the daredevil", I was really in suspense as Bart struggled to hang on, as he grabbed so many different parts of Homer.
As for Lisa's sub-plot with the Irish, green activiast, Collin I felt it was a little tagged on & didn't do much overall. Although since several elements of the movie are to be transfered to the show, maby there will be some episodes focusing on their relationship, as well as Spider-pig/Harry plopper.
Maggie's "First" word during the credits was hilarious. "Sequel?"

The only things I think could have made the movie better was if they had given Moe and Krusty more screen time. Although the Lights out at Moe's scene was hilarious, as well as Marge & the kids finding out that Moe was the new emperor of Springfeild, followed by him catching Barney's petrol bomb & throwing it back at him. "All hail emperor Moe."

Also, could someone answer me this? When that glass fell on Dr. Nick, did he die or not? I wasn't sure.

Overall 9/10.
[MENTION=21074]Financial Panther[/MENTION] I remember [MENTION=20302]Shaunbadia[/MENTION] himself digging that one up from the archives in a similar thread to this one a while back.

Indeed. Was gonna come in here to mention that we had a similar thread a while back because I remembered digging that up but couldn't be bothered searching.