US Politics (Office of the Former President Appreciation Thread)

i bet if that guy actually was able to come at the Don, teflon Trump would've taken him the fuck out!!!
what? am i missing a subtlety here?
that is meaningless.

you can replace donald trump in that sentence with anybody going for any elected office. is he legit arguing we shouldn't oppose anybody running for anything? because that seems to me an unbelievably dense misunderstanding of democratic freedom.
hope those in not america can see this too

Worked for me though the player itself was pretty choppy as far as the frame rate of the video and stopping to buffer was concerned.

zero chance? with how corrupt and slimy and incredibly out-of-touch Clinton is? Trump will have so much fodder to use he'll be able to keep shutting her down until November if he's smart about it.

You're acting like Trump isn't also horrendously slimy and out of touch with the direction he wants to take America in. The future he envisions for the US is much, much darker than the admittedly Wall Street stuffed back pockets of Hillary Clinton. Did you even watch that video from a few pages back showing how Trump planted the seeds of violent backlash against protesters in the minds of his supporters? If that's what Donald Trump is willing to do before he's even fucking nominated by the Republicans, then God help everyone if he were to actually become the President.

to me as an outsider, this looks like an one issue election and that issue is "avoiding the cartoon fascist man baby becoming the most powerful man in the world"

don't vote for dangerous right wing egotists to send some silly anti-establishment message because it will have disastrous real world consequences domestically and internationally

Exactly. At this point it has without a doubt become an "Anyone but Trump" situation. They say "Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don't" but that old saying doesn't ring true the more and more people become familiar with this absolute monster.

so [MENTION=56353]deadname[/MENTION] thumbed a [MENTION=20302]Shaunbadia[/MENTION] post in here
maybe unicorns and trump presidencies are real

Oh, we finally buried that hatchet in that "Bottom 5 members" thread or whatever it's called. :)

i bet if that guy actually was able to come at the Don, teflon Trump would've taken him the fuck out!!!

I'm loving how increasingly agitated you're becoming as this thread goes on and Trump's casual attitude towards violence against protesters gets more and more lax. Keep that up and I'm sure you'll get to be on TV in due time for punching a minority in the face. :thumbsup:
Results for the two GOP primaries
Washington D.C: Marco Rubio wins with 1,100 voters, or 37% of the vote. John Kasich got 1,000 voters, or 36% of the vote, Donald Trump got 400, or 14% of the vote, and Ted Cruz got 300, or 12% of the vote. Rubio wins 10 delegates, Kasich gets 9, and Trump and Cruz get none.
Wyoming: Ted Cruz wins with 600 voters, or 66% of the vote. Marco Rubio gets 200 voters, or 20% of the vote, Donald Trump got 70, or 7% of the vote, and John Kasich got zero voters! Cruz wins 9 delegates, Rubio and Trump win 1, and Kasich wins none.
This shrinks Trump's lead in delegates, from 98 to 90. Trump now has 460 delegates, Cruz has 370, Rubio has 163, and Kasich has 63.
less than 900 people in the entire state of wyoming could be bothered to vote? that is both hilarious and sad
While I don't agree that anyone was violating First Amendment rights and that Trump fully chose to cancel his own rally himself, if the aim of the protesters was to shut it down, that could be a little problematic for the simple fact that you shouldn't want to silence someone with an unpopular message. Peaceful protest outside the rally, sure, but intentionally trying to disrupt it and shut it down (if that's what they did) doesn't seem like the right way to go about it.

if it was the case that protestors were trying to shut down a trump speech from a few months ago, back when trump was just some big joke, then i would semi agree with you. trump has the right to express his opinions, and his supporters have the right to see him expressing his opinions. but in these extreme circumstances, i fully support the people protesting against trump. this insane bigot has already come way too far, and gained far too much power and far too many supporters. if people don't do something, then who knows how far he'll go?
and also, we must remember that this rally was being held in a university, and many of the protestors were students of that university (including members of minority groups).
wyoming held a caucus instead of a primary. in a caucus the vote totals you see are not individual votes, they represent 1 caucus location with maybe 100-200 people in each, and only the winner of the local caucus gets counted. its not suprising that john kaisch didn't have majority support in any location
Currently weighing pros and cons of voting against Trump tomorrow in the Ohio Republican primary versus having to be labeled as a registered Republican in the Ohio balloting records. :(
Please refrain from filing this thread up with whatever shitty memes you had in mind. Thank you. :)
I've never seen this show before. That was a great segment, but can someone tell me of those people she got in were legit rather than just actors taking part in a bit? Because holy shit, some of their reactions to what was said by Samantha felt way too cartoony of themselves to be real... I really, really don't want that to be real... people that fucking shitty existing makes me sad. :(
I'm so pissed off the TBS app doesn't work with Time Warner Cable. TWC needs to get on the fucking ball already and stop being such a stubborn provider so I can use CN, TBS and other apps.

There’s a broader concern here. Right now, the country is preoccupied with a theoretical new fascism in a way that will almost certainly redound to the benefit of the actual old neoliberalism. And neoliberalism cannot be defeated by punching or by tearing up signs. It is too durable for that. Do what you must when you are confronted by the violence of the forces of reaction, but don’t call it revolutionary practice if you know it will not lead to revolution. I have been getting in trouble lately because I don’t think we’re facing a real fascist turn in America. I think, instead, that capitalism reliably produces the kind of political crises that in turn leaves the status quo looking like victory when the status quo is the cruelest defeat. In the contemporary world, corrupt powers like the United States thrive on plausible deniability; neo-imperalism has replaced explicit imperialism not just because of the resistance movements of colonized peoples but because denying the optics of literal occupation makes resistance harder. I don’t think we’re going to see an American Kristallnacht against Muslims because we’ve already gotten secret prisons, torture, surveillance, and perpetual violence against their countries anyway. It is seductive to imagine ourselves as the last line of defense against fascism, but after defeating fascism you’re still left with the same old neoliberalism, and trying to fight neoliberalism feels less like punching a bully in the face and more like trying to keep water from flowing downhill. The tragedy isn’t that we’re Germany in 1932; the tragedy is that we’re the United States in 2016.
I guess even the people who spend their free time making memes aren't brainless enough to support Trump.
Results for the primaries are starting to come in!
For the Democratic party
In Florida, where final results are in, Hilary Clinton wins with 992,600 voters, or 65% of the vote. Bernie Sanders has 511,500 voters, or 33% of the vote. Clinton wins 119 delegates, with Sanders getting 49.
In Illinois (5% reporting), Hilary Clinton wins with 84,900 voters, or 54% of the vote. Bernie Sanders has 69,800 voters, or 45% of the vote.
In Missouri (1% reporting), Hilary Clinton wins with 7,900 voters, or 65% of the vote. Bernie Sanders has 3,800 voters, or 32% of the vote.
In North Carolina, where 14% are reporting, Hilary Clinton wins with 258,500 voters, or 57% of the vote. Bernie Sanders has 176,200 voters, or 39% of the vote. Clinton wins 56 delegates, leaving Sanders with 24.
And in Ohio, where 4% are reporting, Hilary Clinton wins with 141,800 voters, or 65% of the vote. Bernie Sanders has 72,300 voters, or 33% of the vote.
In Florida (Only one with Final results in) Donald Trump wins with 957,300 voters, or 46% of the vote. Ted Cruz has 357,800, or 17% of the vote, and John Kasich has 141,200, or 7% of the vote. Trump gets 99 delegates. Marco Rubio dropped out, but got 577,500 voters, or 27% of the vote.
In Illinois, Donald Trump wins with 3,400 voters, or 44% of the vote. Ted Cruz has 1,700 voters, or 22% of the vote, and John Kasich has 1,600, or 21% of the vote. 2% reporting. Rubio dropped out, but had 800 voters, or 10% of the vote.
In North Carolina, Donald Trump wins with 148,200 voters, or 40% of the vote. Ted Cruz has 129,900 voters, or 35% of the vote, and John Kasich has 48,400, or 13% of the vote. Rubio, who dropped out, had 36,300 voters, or 10%. 9% reporting.
In Missouri, Donald Trump wins with 3,600 voters, or 34% of the vote. Ted Cruz has 2,800 voters, or 27% of the vote, and John Kasich got 1,200, or 12% of the vote. Rubio, who dropped out, had 1,900 voters, or 18% of the vote. 1% reporting.
And in Ohio, John Kasich won with 115,900 voters, or 43% of the vote. Donald Trump has 90,400 voters, or 34% of the vote, and Ted Cruz has 38,400, or 14% of the vote. Rubio dropped out, but had 15,600, or 6% of the vote.
Updates as they come.
RIP Marco Rubio's campaign.
April 13, 2015- March 15, 2016.
So with Clinton sweeping all 5, and Trump winning 4 out of 5, this basically seals a Clinton vs Trump presidential race.
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