All right, I finally saw this. I thought it was decent, but nothing more than that. The satire on people who get trolled, memed, GIFd, and pwned for their actions was pretty solid, although it felt like there was more filler in here than in the usual Selman episode. I didn’t really see the reason for Homer going viral for leaving the dog in the car if that was going to be overlooked by another meme later. I guess it was to show his increasing infamy from town pariah to world pariah, but I don’t know; I think it could’ve been done without. Some of the jokes felt a bit dragged out as well, including the introduction of the other guys at The Institute and Homer and the “helper’s” back and forth about the plan being too radical.
The third act felt a bit like The Computer Wore Menace Shoes, and I have to say, the ending didn’t really land for me. I thought it was about to be a lesson for Homer when he saw the more high-profile people who did bad things; I thought Homer would recognize that he also judged people for their misdeeds just like people were judging him. But it didn’t go that way at all, and it made it into a more definite hero/villain story.
I’ve said a lot of negative things about this episode, but it really wasn’t bad. The plot kept me entertained throughout, and it had some pretty good jokes too. And as I said earlier, the satire was solid. 3/5.