Rate & Review: "Pixelated and Afraid" (UABF04)

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Très bien!

J'avoue que je n'écoute pas souvent les chaines a propos des Simpsons sur youtube.
La pluspart du temps c'est du régurgit mais j'ai apprécié ton analyse.
J'ai bien aimé l'épisode et en regardant ton video j'ai eu quelques flashbacks d'épisode classique.
I don't normally do this, in fact I'm usually quite shy to say the least about sharing my personal work, but given the ongoing enthusiasm across the R&R threads, and since I've seen video reviews shared here and there even when they're not in English, I'll finally go ahead.

So, recently, I made a video review about Pixelated and Afraid, to say every positive things I could think of and say about this one. So if any of you happen to understand French (we never know), feel free to give it a shot if it interests you.

You shouldn't be ashamed of that, your analyzes are always a pleasure and I absolutely appreciate that you know how to do them in a much more summarized way than I do hahaha.

I don't understand French, but the English subtitles are there for a reason, also, all in order to support a friend. I'm glad you finally decided to share your work, it's something I appreciate and you shouldn't feel bad about it. :aww:
I don't understand French, but the English subtitles are there for a reason, also, all in order to support a friend. I'm glad you finally decided to share your work, it's something I appreciate and you shouldn't feel bad about it. :aww:
you know this forum is really wholesome with sandboy and catchphraseloop around

feels very friendly and accepting

now i can drop my hot takes

marge vs the monorail wa- ''meko1432 was never seen again after that night''
Très bien!

J'avoue que je n'écoute pas souvent les chaines a propos des Simpsons sur youtube.
La pluspart du temps c'est du régurgit mais j'ai apprécié ton analyse.
J'ai bien aimé l'épisode et en regardant ton video j'ai eu quelques flashbacks d'épisode classique.

Wait, Frankbags is French? I knew about @Wile E. the Brain but this is new.


Well, I guess you learn something new once in a while while browsing and using these forums, lol.

(Also, I'd say those wacky English YouTube captions of @Wile E.'s video essay just add to the charm :aww:).
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You guys are the best. Thank you all.

I assume you struggle some speaking English (as opposed to you being comfortable in writing in the language, it would seem) and therefore do reviews in your native language, which I don't blame you or anyone else for it one bit. Each and everyone should do it the way they feel the most comfortable with or it can/will turn out really wonky).
I am more at ease writing in English than speaking it, indeed (and I have a terrible accent to boot, aha. Such a pain in the butt whenever I have to pronounce some English words and titles in my videos ^^). But I'm French above all, so yeah, might as well stay true to my roots ; besides, there aren't many French YT channels about animation (which mine is about, not just The Simpsons), that motivated me to start mine.

And I share your pain regarding YT's automated subtitles. Maybe someday I'll write subtitles for my own content... or hire someone to do it, aha. (And thanks for the kind word about my editing. I try to constantly improve my skills and I think that's paying off compared with the early days of my channel.)

Wile E., I had no idea from these posts that English wasn’t your first language. You are too cool.
You're pretty dang cool yourself ! Thanks.

Très bien!

J'avoue que je n'écoute pas souvent les chaines a propos des Simpsons sur youtube.
La pluspart du temps c'est du régurgit mais j'ai apprécié ton analyse.
J'ai bien aimé l'épisode et en regardant ton video j'ai eu quelques flashbacks d'épisode classique.
Merci beaucoup ! (A French / Canadian fellow ? I didn't know.)

I'm often frustrated about YT videos on the series myself, for pretty much the same reasons ; always the same things, the same trivia, the same misconceptions, the same rants against post-golden era Simpsons. I'm glad you find my review at least worthy. A friend of mine (also French) has a YT channel half-focused on the series and brings up some freshness in this area, I believe. So it's cool to see that there are still people not to repeat everything that was said countless times already ; just like some thoughtful fellows around here are brilliantly proving it across the R&R threads.

You shouldn't be ashamed of that, your analyzes are always a pleasure and I absolutely appreciate that you know how to do them in a much more summarized way than I do hahaha.

I don't understand French, but the English subtitles are there for a reason, also, all in order to support a friend. I'm glad you finally decided to share your work, it's something I appreciate and you shouldn't feel bad about it. :aww:
That means a lot. It's not that I'm ashamed of it (although I keep believing that I could've done better regarding one thing of another after I finish a video / review), I'm just shy to share it on a larger scale than usual, aha. At least if I have the support of my friends, then I feel satisfied. :aww:
I am more at ease writing in English than speaking it, indeed (and I have a terrible accent to boot, aha. Such a pain in the butt whenever I have to pronounce some English words and titles in my videos ^^). But I'm French above all, so yeah, might as well stay true to my roots ; besides, there aren't many French YT channels about animation (which mine is about, not just The Simpsons), that motivated me to start mine.

Ah, I understand now. Thanks for elaborating. Also, speaking of pronouncing English words, I noticed you referred to the episodes by the English title and not the French one; I'm guessing it's due to wanting to reach out to a broader audience (and I think it's nice you're showing some support for French--speaking YouTube channels by staying true to your native lanuage.)

And I share your pain regarding YT's automated subtitles. Maybe someday I'll write subtitles for my own content... or hire someone to do it, aha. (And thanks for the kind word about my editing. I try to constantly improve my skills and I think that's paying off compared with the early days of my channel.)

Would be neat if you eventually did some accurate subtitles at some point for your videos (I think it would draw even more of a crowd), but I think the automated ones work nicely in spite of the odd translations here and there (as it do still seem to capture most of what is said well).

But yes, the editing indeed look very nice, even though you're still improving your skillset.
Also, speaking of pronouncing English words, I noticed you referred to the episodes by the English title and not the French one; I'm guessing it's due to wanting to reach out to a broader audience
Season 33 was added a bit too recently on Disney+ France when I made my video (and not yet on TV if I'm not mistaken), so I decided to go with the english titles for this season this time, the previous ones have their French titles credited and mentioned (I have trouble remembering the French titles of the last seasons truth be told ; even though most of the time they're - nonsensical - word-for-word translations of the English titles since a few years, aha). Plus, I wanted to highlight the fantastic original performances of Castellaneta and Kavner, even though I usually love the French dub of the series, because they perfectly serve the goal of this episode.
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I can't remember that last time I sat down to watch a dubbed episode of the Simpsons. We're probably talking 15+ years. I grew up on VFQ so I have seen the first few seasons in the VFQ dub thousands of time. That was the only thing I knew as a child but looking back I think they did a pretty good job of localizing the Simpsons.

I remember hearing the VFF dub for the first time and thinking it was quite jarring to my ears. I'm not likely to watch the VFF dub and I can appreciate that some characters sound good but I absolutely cannot stand Homer's voice in the VFF, it sounds way too goofy to me. I don't have any issues with VFF dubs of other shows since I grew up with movies dubbed in France. I may even re-watch those movies in the french dub, movies such as Wayne's World or Beverly Hills Cop still sound fine to me in french. They're the only movies I will watch dubbed rather than in their original english version.
For season 33, a great one! Very dark for a Simpsons episode (there’s basically no jokes at all) but it’s really cute. After a million episodes showing Homer and Marge having a terrible relationship, it’s nice to have a sweet episode like this for a change.
“We're so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget that the inner value – the rapture that is associated with being alive – is what it's all about." – Joseph Campbell

What is so special about Pixelated and Afraid?

It’s not simply that it’s a celebration of Homer and Marge’s marriage. It’s more than that. Much more.

It’s a celebration of love itself.

Of life itself.

Homer and Marge find themselves lost in the wilderness, fighting against the elements with a ferocious predator on the prowl. It’s unlike any other Simpsons episode ever made in that it deliberately, purposefully eschews humour almost entirely in favour of drama, tension, and dread. When Marge cries in despair at the prospect of never seeing her children again, there is nothing to laugh at. When Homer desperately tries to maintain his grip on a single fish for them to eat, there is nothing to laugh at. When Homer and Marge scream in terror when the wolverine attacks, there is nothing to laugh at. When Homer screams Marge’s name, charges the beast, and bludgeons it to death, there is nothing to laugh at.

No Simpsons episode has ever been so unapologetically realistic, sobering, or threatening. It matters not that we the viewers know they will survive. What matters is that they believe the danger they are in, and the episode never – not once – undercuts that danger.

The absence of any punchlines is incredibly disarming, but that’s precisely what makes this such a powerful episode of The Simpsons – the uncompromising commitment to this gravitas is in stark contrast to a show renowned for its relentless wall-to-wall laughs. Especially in its later years when those gags regularly came at the expense of sincerity (and even coherence). It’s what makes the ending so beautiful. So profoundly moving. Homer and Marge, having faced their deaths, survive. They find rescue. They get to go home.

They get to live.

Their walk through the forest is the single greatest expression of life affirmation in the show’s 37-year history. Their love and the world around them is vivified by their near-death experience. They have a new appreciation for the beauty of a kiss, an embrace, a smile. Of holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. Of snow-covered trees and a sunlit waterfall. Of a mother deer tending to her offspring and a flock of birds flying in formation overhead. Of the dying glow of a sunset.

As do we.

There is no greater ideal – no greater feeling – to which any story – any myth – can aspire:

The rapture of being alive.

"What we are looking for is a way of experiencing the world that will open to us the transcendent that informs it, and at the same time forms ourselves within it.” – Joseph Campbell


Sorry @tyler. 6/5 🤣
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Beautiful review @B-Boy

If you did skip s32 I really would reccomend going back and at least giving Podcast News a chance. It's just really great and easily the best usage of Kent since he welcomed our new insect overlords.

Then I think s32's rep is a tad overblown as there's a reasonable number of eps in there that are worth at least giving a go.
If you did skip s32 I really would reccomend going back and at least giving Podcast News a chance.
Oh, I've not skipped it! I watched season 32 as it aired and I'm currently re-watching it again now. I just wanted to write something about this one today on a whim!
I like it when someone finds a new way of reviewing an episode and @B-Boy's immaculate new review of Pixelated And Afraid' I love.

It is such a fresh way of looking at this excellent episode (sorry not sorry, all of you 'Pixelated' critics & haters) and highlight the various aspects, both regarding the writing and the directing, that make it such a lovely, fantastically executed story of love, drama & humor. One of the show's utmost dramedy episodes, no question, and a modern classic in every sense of the word. Still a perfect score for me, too.

(Will be so interesting to read your thoughts on Season 32, by the way).
Homer and Marge hugging and Homer singing to Marge about how together they can make a better world is one of the most underrated moments of this episode. Little is mentioned about the love language that this episode has. Heck, Omine episodes have always made use of this particular tool.

Hugging is the purest way to say I love you, to tell the other person that they are doing well, to say that that person is capable of anything, to say that someone will always be there for you, to say that that person is your safe place. The kisses, the smiles and the caresses. All of this encompasses the language of love to the maximum, with so little and so much that this conveys in the episode.

Even though this isn't my favorite episode of the HD era (that's A Mid-Childhood Night's Dream and I wrote a whole bible about it), I love how the two aren't that far apart thematically. One is about love and the value of life itself. While another is about love and the value of time itself. Ying and yang.
Oh, I've not skipped it! I watched season 32 as it aired and I'm currently re-watching it again now. I just wanted to write something about this one today on a whim!
Me patiently waiting for the Season 32 review

Homersimpson waiting thesimpsons GIF on GIFER - by Truebrew
Oh, I've not skipped it! I watched season 32 as it aired and I'm currently re-watching it again now. I just wanted to write something about this one today on a whim!
“So, isn’t that what we’re all asking in our own lives: where’s my season 32 review? I know that’s what I’ve been asking.”

Also me with the second part of the season 34 review
Ok, I see a was pretty harsh on this one when it first aired... While I still don't think it's a great episode I enjoyed it more upon rewatch. Yes, it is a weird episode, but I have to admit that its weirdness is quite charming, it is original and unconvential, I appreciate how serious it ended being for a modern episode, or even by classic standards, the Wolverine's attack and death played completely without jokes... that's not something you see in an average episode. And it's very refreshing to see an episode about Homer and Marge's marriage that isn't a marriage crisis episode, but what's even more refreshing is that Lisa ended up being wrong the whole time. Also that ending shot... very sweet.
Heck, I prefer it over ''Call of the Simpsons'' as the wilderness episodes go... which I believe isn't unpopular opinion.
This episode feels like it was written for people like me—people who watch the Simpsons for the heart and soul, for the interactions between the characters. The humor always comes second for me.

While i do not have a very strong attachment to this episode, as i do with other HD episodes like Mid-childhood dream and......................others. I still do really love this episode and find myself tearing up whenever i watch it.

This episode reminds us that these two characters—at least these versions of them, step aside, Jerkass Homer—do not work without one another. This episode would not have worked had Marge been married to Ned or had Homer been married to Moe 😳 , et cetera. It only works with these two; it only works with Homer and Marge's dynamic. These two love each other so dearly; they keep holding each other in this episode, which I love; they're just super cute together.

OK, let's start with a typical summary review

This episode starts with Lisa, who is concerned about how boring and drab Homarge's relationship has gotten. First of all, Lisa, you're 8; go read a book or something, but second, I do love that this episode doesn't go the route of showing us Marge and Homer bickering or hating each other in order to get the plot with Lisa going, but it shows what they are doing as normal, or at least, they see it as normal; they don't need the fancy stuff couples have on TV; they only need each other, and that's all.

Lisa suggests they go on vacation, and they begrudgingly agree, but on their way, they get stuck in the forest. Now, here is where this episode really starts to shine. The scene where they're trying to get out of the water is so intense, which is a pattern in this episode; they really make you believe that they are in real danger, even though you know they'll be here next week for another adventure, but you never once think about that; you just get lost in the drama and heart of the episode.

Once they eventually build their small little shack, one of what I consider to be the most beautifully done Simpsons scenes occurs. Homer and Marge are sitting next to the fire watching the TV burn in the same pose as in the start of the episode, then Homer holds Marge as they get up and they dance together slowly—no music, just Dan's amazing vocal delivery.

A wolverine appears, and we get a few good moments and even a joke gasp when Homer is on the tree! The scene ends very realistically. The sequence of Homer brutally beating the wolverine because he tried hurting Marge is both horrifying and sweet at the same time. That is a very hard balance to strike; actually, I don't think I've ever seen that balance anywhere! i didn't like the blood on the stick had to look away there because it was too much for me, but still excellent sequence.

Homer checking if marge was hurt is very sweet i love his characterization here. As some of you know I've been going through the Simpsons for the first time, I'm currently on the 13th season, I've only seen the things up to it and S33-35 so my latest exposure to these characters has been the Scully era.....oh boy the Scully era, Homer in that era is meaner, ruder, much more vulger; far from the sweet, naive, idiot who means well and who wants what's best for his family. my ideal homer is that of the classic era homer, who i just described, and thankfully this episode uses that version of homer, and it would not have worked without him being that way, and marge, of course, is as sweet as ever; we stan our girl!

The scene that follows is probably my favorite of the bunch, the scene where homer sees the park ranger and gets distracted by marge. This is perfect, because we understand what homer is feeling right now, this is by far the most emotional and beautiful depictions of Homarge's relationship, true they're in a horrible situation but it's so DARN cute! you think like homer, do i want this episode to end? do i want us to go back to that same old status quo? and i'm also glad that marge understands and doesnt fight him over it, it would've been very easy to write in a scene of her scolding him for it, but she doesnt, and that's................great.

They follow the ranger's trail and find the ranger's shack; they don't run towards it but walk slowly as to treasure this day before it ends. They sit next to each other on the bench exactly the same way as they did at the start of the episode, showing that they have not changed since the start of the episode......................and they do not need to.

Anyways yeah 5/5

I apologize for not having much to say (in-depth wise) regarding this episode; I didn't have as strong a connection to it as I do with others, but I do hope I pumped out a good enough review for you guys. Anyway, love y'all, and stay hydrated! i dont think this review is as strong as the other recent ones i've made, i tried injecting some personality into it instead of just being mindless robot spewing fancy vocabs, but i think i went a bit too far with it
I apologize for not having much to say (in-depth wise) regarding this episode; I didn't have as strong a connection to it as I do with others, but I do hope I pumped out a good enough review for you guys. Anyway, love y'all, and stay hydrated! i dont think this review is as strong as the other recent ones i've made, i tried injecting some personality into it instead of just being mindless robot spewing fancy vocabs, but i think i went a bit too far with it
Not at all, the personality in the review was the cherry on top of some good points about the characterisation. Great review!