This episode feels like it was written for people like me—people who watch the Simpsons for the heart and soul, for the interactions between the characters. The humor always comes second for me.
While i do not have a very strong attachment to this episode, as i do with other HD episodes like Mid-childhood dream and......................others. I still do really love this episode and find myself tearing up whenever i watch it.
This episode reminds us that these two characters—at least these versions of them, step aside, Jerkass Homer—do not work without one another. This episode would not have worked had Marge been married to Ned or had Homer been married to Moe

, et cetera. It only works with these two; it only works with Homer and Marge's dynamic. These two love each other so dearly; they keep holding each other in this episode, which I love; they're just super cute together.
OK, let's start with a typical summary review
This episode starts with Lisa, who is concerned about how boring and drab Homarge's relationship has gotten. First of all, Lisa, you're 8; go read a book or something, but second, I do love that this episode doesn't go the route of showing us Marge and Homer bickering or hating each other in order to get the plot with Lisa going, but it shows what they are doing as normal, or at least, they see it as normal; they don't need the fancy stuff couples have on TV; they only need each other, and that's all.
Lisa suggests they go on vacation, and they begrudgingly agree, but on their way, they get stuck in the forest. Now, here is where this episode really starts to shine. The scene where they're trying to get out of the water is so intense, which is a pattern in this episode; they really make you believe that they are in real danger, even though you know they'll be here next week for another adventure, but you never once think about that; you just get lost in the drama and heart of the episode.
Once they eventually build their small little shack, one of what I consider to be the most beautifully done Simpsons scenes occurs. Homer and Marge are sitting next to the fire watching the TV burn in the same pose as in the start of the episode, then Homer holds Marge as they get up and they dance together slowly—no music, just Dan's amazing vocal delivery.
A wolverine appears, and we get a few good moments and even a joke
gasp when Homer is on the tree! The scene ends very realistically. The sequence of Homer brutally beating the wolverine because he tried hurting Marge is both horrifying and sweet at the same time. That is a very hard balance to strike; actually, I don't think I've ever seen that balance anywhere! i didn't like the blood on the stick had to look away there because it was too much for me, but still excellent sequence.
Homer checking if marge was hurt is very sweet i love his characterization here. As some of you know I've been going through the Simpsons for the first time, I'm currently on the 13th season, I've only seen the things up to it and S33-35 so my latest exposure to these characters has been the Scully era.....oh boy the Scully era, Homer in that era is meaner, ruder, much more vulger; far from the sweet, naive, idiot who means well and who wants what's best for his family. my ideal homer is that of the classic era homer, who i just described, and thankfully this episode uses that version of homer, and it would not have worked without him being that way, and marge, of course, is as sweet as ever; we stan our girl!
The scene that follows is probably my favorite of the bunch, the scene where homer sees the park ranger and gets distracted by marge. This is perfect, because we understand what homer is feeling right now, this is by far the most emotional and beautiful depictions of Homarge's relationship, true they're in a horrible situation but it's so DARN cute! you think like homer, do i want this episode to end? do i want us to go back to that same old status quo? and i'm also glad that marge understands and doesnt fight him over it, it would've been very easy to write in a scene of her scolding him for it, but she doesnt, and that's................great.
They follow the ranger's trail and find the ranger's shack; they don't run towards it but walk slowly as to treasure this day before it ends. They sit next to each other on the bench exactly the same way as they did at the start of the episode, showing that they have not changed since the start of the episode......................and they do not need to.
Anyways yeah 5/5
I apologize for not having much to say (in-depth wise) regarding this episode; I didn't have as strong a connection to it as I do with others, but I do hope I pumped out a good enough review for you guys. Anyway, love y'all, and stay hydrated! i dont think this review is as strong as the other recent ones i've made, i tried injecting some personality into it instead of just being mindless robot spewing fancy vocabs, but i think i went a bit too far with it