Rate & Review: "Meat Is Murder" (UABF13)

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it's a solid 3/5, not amazing, but pretty good all things considered. i laughed maybe once, but the the grandpa and lisa stuff was very endearing, overall a nice watch.

edit: what really brought my ranking down was there were a few jokes that made me groan out loud (the sideshow bob one comes to mind) and the references didn't really do anything for me. i was also a bit bored by the overall lack of jokes. but i still can get something out of any simpsons episode with heart and that doesn't feel too mean-spirited.
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It was alright, though I'm starting to think that Season 33 has already gone towards the previous disliked plots of Season 32

1. 1 thing I liked, the "Cape Feare" callback with Sideshow Bob signing people's chests. It's like he's famous for doing that because of Bart from his 1993 parole. A small joke but I still laughed though.

2. 2-in-a-row score of an episode with production code *ABF13 involving Grandpa and his apparent "secret" past from 50 years ago in the 70s and having this come back to impact him in the present. The character that gets involved is different, with Homer replaced with Lisa (probably remembers TMFGrandpa so he expects them to be a team?) Who knows, what if OABF13 for Season 34 makes Strike 3 with another Grandpa plot like this?

3. Out of all aspects and details that we have gotten from Krusty's past, this is one of the most weirdest, like it's a fake one-time explanation for the reason why most-likely-one-time character Gus has been planning revenge. I'm sure Krusty Burger would have a more simpler backstory, one where perhaps younger 30s-40s Abe isn't involved with.
I'll be the honest, when I read the title of the episode, I thought oh God another Lisa episode. But it turned out pretty good. They hit it out of the park with the third act. There is nothing better than a good old Abe Simpson rattling on scene. Could he being actually doing this for years on purpose? Wearing an onion on his belt? I digress.

When Lisa uses the word didactic about the video but miss the part where the trees sang that greenhouse gases "might" be reduced over the next 30 years.

I really don't see the point of a paid influencer. When I was in High school (Class of 1997) we had MTV. We wore what artist wore. Grunge guys wore flannels and band shirts. Rappers wore baggy pants. Etc... But I guess if you can make monet of it then wgaf.

There were many funny scenes. Even the horses don't like wheat grass. Guns with puppies.

During rewatch I found some good lines and jokes. But there were few.

The story itself just used *choir* The Simpsons to parody some show and guest stars. The original part - Krusty's Burger start and that lawsuit satire was ok and funny. I didn't feel something… warm or close to heart. Perhaps that Simpsons/Successions themes mix was fine.

Whoever understand the lesson besides "The Rich people are really different"?

plot 11/25 (7/20 + 4/5 for Krusty)
absurdity (the possibility of what is happening and whether I liked it) 20/25
comedy 12/25 (8/20 + 4/5)
originality (level of references and whether I liked them) 20/25

TOTAL 63/100 (2/5, downtaken from 2.5, with rounding, or C) MEDIOCRE!
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I'm back catching up on this, as s34 isn't on UK disney+ yet (as far as I know anyway). This episode was decent in its premise, I found the origin story for Krusty Burger pretty refreshing (surprising that they haven't done this concept until now) and for the most part it was a solid execution all the way through. In truth I could have done without another Abe story where we learn more about his past, but him teaming up with Lisa made for a nice change of pace and gave the whole thing some heart (I liked Lisa's joke about cancelling the appointment with the doctor after realising what Abe was trying to say).

As for the Succession parody, I've never seen an episode of that show so many of the jokes here went over my head. I got bored during the scenes at Gus's mansion due to the abundance of Succession character talking over each other and quips falling flat for me, but by the end it picked up again. Despite the occasional bizarre moments with that youtuber/tiktok person that was just there (?), I thought the end wrapped up everything in a fairly satisfying way, even if it all felt very low stakes. Many of the shots during the last few minutes were animated really well.

So yeah, decent episode. Interesting framework with Krusty Burger. Succession parody whizzing right past me. All that fun stuff.
