Episode Notes
1st Act:
Fucking rich Texan - DIE
Bart getting attacked by fish - dumb
Homer at video store - too long
I forget what else happened... it jumped around too much
2nd Act:
Burn their poop? - dumb. and i hate that judge - stop bringing her back
The voices really seem off in this episode...
I stopped taking notes here (I got bored, and I wasn't finding many positive things to say)
Ugh... as much as I wanted to, I just couldn't get into this episode. Wait, I didn't want to - I wasn't looking foreward to watching it at all. I hate to say it, but I'm finally losing interest in new episodes after watching so much medeocre stuff. Still, I tried to enjoy it, but I couldn't. As usual, the only things I could notice was the fact that the plot was all over the place and horribly unstructured (not to mention reused), most of the gags were lame, childish, forced, or re-used, and yet even more forced emotion at the end. I'm trying to remember stuff I liked, but it was just so much like everything else lately, that I pretty much lost all interest in the episode. They were, IMO, on a good episode streak for awhile, but now it seems that they've fallen back into mediocrity. The only positive things I can really say, is that Homer was pretty well characterized and the episode didn't do anything over the top.
Oh yeah, more lame, forced musical numbers too. Not only do almost all the numbers this season suck, but they're almost every single episode!