Rate and Review: Season 15


Following Brad's Hivemind Since '11
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Oct 2, 2010
I don't remember this season at all, but whatever, just go with it. :D
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one does not simply jump since season 6 to 15


but, ok let's go

Treehouse Of Horror XIV B-
"My Mother the Carjacker" A-
"The President Wore Pearls" A-
"The Regina Monologues" C+
"The Fat and the Furriest" B-
"Today I Am a Clown" C
"'Tis the Fifteenth Season" B+
"Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens,
and Gays" B-
"I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot" B+
"Diatribe of a Mad Housewife" B-
"Margical History Tour" B-
"Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore" C-
"Smart and Smarter" B
"The Ziff Who Came to Dinner" B
"Co-Dependent's Day" C+
"The Wandering Juvie" B
"My Big Fat Geek Wedding" C+
"Catch 'Em If You Can" B-
"Simple Simpson" A-
"The Way We Weren't" B+
"Bart-Mangled Banner" D
"Fraudcast News" A
The seasons 1-6 threads weren't done by me. They were done by Hommer, Financial Panther, LittleMissLisaSimpson, and more. I can do whatever threads I want. I'M GEORGE LUCAS DAMMIT.
That means you'll release a Blu-Ray with Season 1-6 on it, and change the episodes drastically. For example, Homer says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" for no reason sometimes.
I like season 15, and really it's the last one I can sit through fully(I like bits of 16, but not nearly the whole thing). I know seasons 13-15 weren't anything like the classic seasons, but they were a breath of fresh air after 10-12.

And I've already decided to cut off my DVD collection with S15.
1. I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot – 10/A+
2. The President Wore Pearls – 10/A+
3. Fraudcast News – 10/A+
4. Simple Simpson – 9/A
5. Diatribe of a Mad Housewife – 9/A
6. The Ziff Who Came to Dinner – 9/A
7. ‘Tis the Fifteenth Season – 9/A
8. The Wandering Juvie – 8/A-
9. Treehouse of Horror XIV – 8/A-
10. Bart-Mangled Banner – 8/A-
11. Margical History Tour – 8/A-
12. Smart and Smarter – 8/A-
13. The Way We Weren’t – 6/C
14. Milhouse Doesn’t Live Here Anymore – 6/C
15. Marge vs. Everyone – 6/C
16. My Big Fat Geek Wedding – 6/C
17. My Mother the Carjacker – 6/C
18. The Regina Monologues – 6/C
19. The Fat and the Furriest – 4/F
20. Catch ‘Em If You Can – 4/F
21. Co-Dependents Day – 3/F
22. Today I Am a Clown – 2/F
Average: 7.05

Season Ranking: joint 11th
Treehouse Of Horror XIV B-
"My Mother the Carjacker" A-
"The President Wore Pearls" A+
"The Regina Monologues" A
"The Fat and the Furriest" B+
"Today I Am a Clown" B+
"'Tis the Fifteenth Season" B+
"Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens,and Gays" A
"I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot" B+ (poor cats...)
"Diatribe of a Mad Housewife" A
"Margical History Tour" A+
"Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore" B
"Smart and Smarter" A+
"The Ziff Who Came to Dinner" B+
"Co-Dependent's Day" F
"The Wandering Juvie" B
"My Big Fat Geek Wedding" B-
"Catch 'Em If You Can" A+
"Simple Simpson" A+
"The Way We Weren't" A+
"Bart-Mangled Banner" B
"Fraudcast News" A

One of the best post-classic season
"Treehouse Of Horror XIV" ~ A-/B+
"My Mother the Carjacker" ~ B-
"The President Wore Pearls" ~ A-
"The Regina Monologues" ~ A-/B+
"The Fat and the Furriest" ~ B-
"Today I Am a Clown" ~ C
"'Tis the Fifteenth Season" ~ B
"Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens,
and Gays" ~ B
"I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot" ~ A-
"Diatribe of a Mad Housewife" ~ A-/B+
"Margical History Tour" ~ C-
"Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore" ~ A
"Smart and Smarter" ~ D
"The Ziff Who Came to Dinner" ~ B+
"Co-Dependent's Day" ~ B-
"The Wandering Juvie" ~ B+
"My Big Fat Geek Wedding" ~ D
"Catch 'Em If You Can" ~ D
"Simple Simpson" ~ A
"The Way We Weren't" ~ C
"Bart-Mangled Banner" ~ F
"Fraudcast News" ~ A-
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Treehouse of Horror XIV: B
My Mother the Carjacker: B
The President Wore Pearls: B-
The Regina Monologues: B
The Fat and the Furriest: B+
Today, I Am a Clown: C
'Tis the Fifteenth Season: A-
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, Teens and Gays: C-
I, D'oh-bot: A+
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife: B+
Margical History Tour: A
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore: B
Smart and Smarter: B
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner: A
Co-Dependent's Day: D-
The Wandering Juvie: B
My Big Fat Geek Wedding: D
Catch 'Em If You Can: D+
Simple Simpson: B+
The Way We Weren't: B+
Bart-Mangled Banner: F
Fraudcast News: A-
Treehouse of Horror XIV: C
My Mother the Carjacker: C+
The President Wore Pearls: C
The Regina Monologues: D+
The Fat and the Furriest: C+
Today, I Am a Clown: D+
'Tis the Fifteenth Season: B
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, Teens and Gays: C
I, D'oh-bot: B-
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife: C
Margical History Tour: C-
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore: B
Smart and Smarter: C+
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner: C
Co-Dependent's Day: D+
The Wandering Juvie: C
My Big Fat Geek Wedding: C-
Catch 'Em If You Can: C-
Simple Simpson: B-
The Way We Weren't: B
Bart-Mangled Banner: D-
Fraudcast News: B-

The best double-digit season. A slew of solid outings and a minimal amount bad episodes for this point in the show. The animation has declined and the tendency for dullness and awkwardness, much like the characterization troubles in 9, shows signs of things to come. It might have been appropriate ff they could have harnessed some of this into winding down the series -- which if I recall correctly, was a real possibility at the time.

Season Ranking: 10th
Tis an awful season, lol!

Treehouse of Horror XIV: 6.5/10
My Mother the Carjacker: 8/10
The President Wore Pearls: 1/10
The Regina Monologues: 1/10
The Fat and the Furriest: 7.5/10
Today, I Am a Clown: 0/10
'Tis the Fifteenth Season: 6/10
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, Teens and Gays: 1/10
I, D'oh-bot: 7.5/10
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife: 10/10 (WTF.. that was a good one!)
Margical History Tour: 6/10
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore: 6/10
Smart and Smarter: 6.5/10 (Simon Cowell hurts this good episode badly.)
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner: 8/10
Co-Dependent's Day: 7.5/10
The Wandering Juvie: 7.5/10
My Big Fat Geek Wedding: 6/10
Catch 'Em If You Can: 7.5/10
Simple Simpson: 7.5/10
The Way We Weren't: 8/10
Bart-Mangled Banner: 2/10
Fraudcast News: 7/10

Overall I see 'My Mother the Carjacker', 'Diatribe of a Mad Housewife', 'The Ziff Who Came to Dinner', and 'The Way We Weren't' as the only four episodes you should actually watch.
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My favorites from this season, "President", "Season", and "Simple" seem to be leading. That's good.
I rarely ever use F, so F is like a D to me. c's are the equivalent of marginal passes. C minus means depending on my mood its either pass or fail.

Treehouse of Horror XIV
2) D
3) B
My Mother the Carjacker A-
The President Wore Pearls C-
The Regina Monologues C-
The Fat and the Furriest B
Today, I Am a Clown A-
'Tis the Fifteenth Season B-
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays B
I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot B+
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife B
Margical History Tour B
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore B+
Smart and Smarter B (an episode finally devoted to Maggies genius, obvious throughout the series)
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner A-
Co-Dependent's Day B+
The Wandering Juvie B-
My Big Fat Geek Wedding C+
Catch 'em if You Can B
Simple Simpson B+
The Way We Weren't B+
Bart-Mangled Banner C+
Fraudcast News B
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Treehouse of Horror XIV: B
My Mother the Carjacker: B+
The President Wore Pearls: C-
The Regina Monologues: A-
The Fat and the Furriest: B+
Today, I Am a Clown: D
'Tis the Fifteenth Season: B
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, Teens and Gays: C+
I, D'oh-bot: A-
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife: B+
Margical History Tour: C+
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore: B
Smart and Smarter: C+
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner: D+
Co-Dependent's Day: B-
The Wandering Juvie: C-
My Big Fat Geek Wedding: D-
Catch 'Em If You Can: B
Simple Simpson: B
The Way We Weren't: A
Bart-Mangled Banner: C+
Fraudcast News: B-
Treehouse of Horror XIV: 7.8/10
My Mother the Carjacker: 7.7/10
The President Wore Pearls: 5.7/10
The Regina Monologues: 5.3/10
The Fat and the Furriest: 6.2/10
Today, I Am a Clown: 6.5/10
'Tis the Fifteenth Season: 7.9/10
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, Teens and Gays: 7.5/10
I, D'oh-bot: 8.1/10
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife: 6.9/10
Margical History Tour: 6.4/10
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore: 8.2/10
Smart and Smarter: 6.7/10
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner: 7.4/10
Co-Dependent's Day: 7.3/10
The Wandering Juvie: 8.4/10
My Big Fat Geek Wedding: 6/10
Catch 'Em If You Can: 6.3/10
Simple Simpson: 8.3/10
The Way We Weren't: 8.4/10
Bart-Mangled Banner: 2.6/10
Fraudcast News: 7.4/10

Overall: 7.5/10

Probably the best post-classic season. It stood between consistent to average to decent up until the god-awful Bart Mangled Banner, but I like to forget that episode ever existed.
Treehouse of Horror XIV: 7.5/10
My Mother the Carjacker: 8.3/10
The President Wore Pearls: 9.3/10
The Regina Monologues: 2.5/10
The Fat and the Furriest: 7.6/10
Today, I Am a Clown: 9.5/10
'Tis the Fifteenth Season: 8.5/10
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, Teens and Gays: 7/10
I, D'oh-bot: 8.4/10
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife: 8.8/10
Margical History Tour: 7.4/10
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore: 10/10
Smart and Smarter: 7.3/10
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner: 6.5/10
Co-Dependent's Day: 7.9/10
The Wandering Juvie: 9.2/10
My Big Fat Geek Wedding: 7.6/10
Catch 'Em If You Can: 7.5/10
Simple Simpson: 9.5/10
The Way We Weren't: 9.5/10
Bart-Mangled Banner: 5/10
Fraudcast News: 9.3/10

Overall, decent season with mostly good episodes. A few outstanding, a few bad. 8/10
Treehouse of Horror XIV - B
My Mother the Carjacker - A-
The President Wore Pearls - C+
The Regina Monologues - B-
The Fat and the Furriest - A-
Today, I Am a Clown - C-
'Tis the Fifteenth Season - B+
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays - D+
I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot - A-
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife - A-
Margical History Tour - C+
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore - C+
Smart and Smarter - C
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner - D+
Co-Dependent's Day - C+
The Wandering Juvie - B
My Big Fat Geek Wedding - C-
Catch'em if You Can - B+
Simple Simpson - C+
The Way We Weren't - B
Bart-Mangled Banner - C
Fraudcast News - B+

Season grade : B-
Ranking : 10th
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Without any comments, my own rating list (out of 100)
«Treehouse of Horror XIV» 73.5 (B-)
«My Mother the Carjacker» 78 (B)
«The President Wore Pearls» 78 (B)
«The Regina Monologues» 65 (C+)
«The Fat and the Furriest» 65 (C+)
«Today I Am A Clown» 63 (C+)
«’Tis The Fifteenth Season» 89 (B+)
«Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays» 71 (B-)
«I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot» 82 (B)
«Diatribe of a Mad Housewife» 67 (C+)
«Margical History Tour» 57 (C-) (season low)
«Milhouse Doesn’t Live Here Anymore» 87 (B+)
«Smart and Smarter» 76 (B-)
«The Ziff Who Came to Dinner» 71 (B-)
«Co-Dependent’s Day» 57 (C-) (season low) (but this one maybe is worse, than MHT)
«The Wandering Juvie» 79 (B)
«My Big Fat Geek Wedding» 76 (B-)
«Catch ’Em If You Can» 69 (C+)
«Simple Simpson» 69 (C+)
«The Way We Weren’t» 83 (B+)
«Bart-Mangled Banner» 60 (C)
«Fraudcast News» 96 (A+) (season high)

Average score 73.121 (B-)
Good to bad ratio (59%/41%)
Maximum planty of good episodes 3
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You Know The Drill by now:

1: I, D'oh-bot: 10/10 (Huge 'Robot Wars' fan myself, and a really good episode, like 'Saturdays Of Thunder')
2: The Wandering Juvie: 10/10 (Absolutely love this episode.)
3: Simple Simpson: 9.5/10
4: Fraudcast News: 9/10
5: My Mother the Carjacker: 8.5/10
6: The President Wore Pearls: 8.5/10
7: Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore: 8/10
8: Smart and Smarter: 7.5/10
9: 'Tis the Fifteenth Season: 7.5/10
10: The Way We Weren't: 7/10
11: Treehouse of Horror XIV: 7/10
12: Today I Am A Clown: 7/10
13: The Ziff Who Came To Dinner: 6.5/10
14: Catch Em If You Can: 6.5/10

15: My Big Fat Geek Wedding: 5.5/10
16: Marge vs Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays: 5.5/10
17: Diatribe Of A Mad Housewife: 5/10

18: The Fat And The Furriest: 3/10
19: Margical History Tour: 3/10 (Anthology)
20: The Regina Monologues: 2.5/10
21: Co-Dependent's Day: 2/10

22: Bart-Mangled Banner: 0/10 (And so another awful episode joins the 0 club. Never want to see it again.

Season Overview:
Grade: B-
Good/Bad episodes: 14/8

This was quite a good season.
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22. Bart-Mangled Banner (1/10, Worst)
21. Catch 'Em If You Can (1/10, Worst)
20. The Ziff Who Came to Dinner (1/10, Worst)
19. Smart and Smarter (2/10, Hate)
18. Co-Dependents Day (2/10, Hate)

17. My Big Fat Geek Wedding (4/10, Dislike): I really hate that Edna & Skinner broke up, really love them as a couple, plus, the Comic Book Guy stuff is really lame imo.

16. Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore (4/10, Dislike)
15. Marge vs Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays (4/10, Dislike)
14. Magical History Tour (6/10, Meh)
13. Diatribe of a Mad Housewife (7/10, Okay)

12. The Fat and the Furriest (7/10, Okay)
11. Today I Am a Clown (7/10, Okay)

10. The Regina Monologues (7/10, Okay)
9. Simple Simpson (8/10, Like)

8. I, (Annoyed-Grunt)-bot (8/10, LIke)
7. Treehouse of Horror XIV (8/10, Like)

6. My Mother the Carjacker (8/10, Like)
5. The Way We Weren't (9/10, Enjoyable)

4. Tis the Fifteenth Season (9/10, Enjoyable)
3. The Wandering Juvie (9/10, Enjoyable): This episode isn't actually as bad as I remembered it being surprisingly enough
2. Fraudcast News (10/10, Best)
1. The President Wore Pearls (10/10, Best)

Overall, Season 15 is disappointing compared to Season 14, having a total of 3 episodes that have the lowest rating. It is worse than Season 11, and if it weren't for the Top 4 episodes, it would be the new worst Season of The Simpsons.
My Opinion on Season 15:

Amazing (5/5)
Treehouse of Horror XIV
-96 (A)
I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot-93 (A)
Fraudcast News-90 (A-)

Great (4.5/5)
'Tis the Fifteenth Season-87 (B)
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore-86 (B)
The President Wore Pearls-86 (B)
My Mother the Carjacker-86 (B)
Simple Simpson-85 (B)

Good (4/5)
The Wandering Juvie-83 (B-)
The Fat and the Furriest-83 (B-)
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife-82 (B-)
The Way We Weren't-82 (B-)

Decent (3.5/5)
Margical History Tour-78 (C+)
Bart-Mangled Banner-77 (C+) (why is this one so hated? I thought it was funny but the 3rd act bogged it down)
Today, I Am a Clown-75 (C+)

Meh (3/5)
Smart and Smarter-72 (C)
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays-71 (C-)

Bad (1.5/5)
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner-63 (D-)
The Regina Monologues-61 (D-)

Terrible (1/5)
Catch 'Em if You Can-50 (F)
Co-Dependent's Day-25 (F)
My Big Fat Geek Wedding-12 (F)

80 (B-) [Good Season]

This season is a bit better than the last one. While there are good episodes in this season, the latter half of the season is pretty weak. I consider this season to be solid. Kind of a mixed bag. Most of the season is either good or bad with some being average. It's better than the last 2 at least despite having the worst episode of the series so far.
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Treehouse of Horror XIV: C
My Mother the Carjacker: C
The President Wore Pearls: C
The Regina Monologues:C
The Fat and the Furriest: B
Today, I Am a Clown: C
'Tis the Fifteenth Season: C
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, Teens and Gays: B
I, D'oh-bot: F
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife: C
Margical History Tour: D
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore: B-
Smart and Smarter: C
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner: C-
Co-Dependent's Day: C
The Wandering Juvie: C
My Big Fat Geek Wedding: C
Catch 'Em If You Can: C
Simple Simpson: C
The Way We Weren't: D
Bart-Mangled Banner: D-
Fraudcast News: A
My Opinion on Season 15:

22: Co-Dependent's Day, (1/10: Worst)
21: My Big Fat Geek Wedding, (1/10: Worst)
20: Bart-Mangled Banner, (1/10: Worst)
19: Smart and Smarter, (1/10: Worst)
18: The Regina Monologues, (2/10: Hate)
17: Catch 'Em if You Can, (3/10: Bad)
16: The Wandering Juvie, (4/10: Poor)
15: Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays, (4/10: Poor)

14: Margical History Tour, (5/10: Average)
13: The Ziff Who Came to Dinner, (5/10: Average)

12: The Fat and the Furriest, (6/10: Okay)
11: The Way We Weren't, (6/10: Okay)
10: Diatribe of a Mad Housewife, (6/10: Okay)
9: Today, I Am a Clown, (6/10: Okay)

8: Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore, (7/10: Good)
7: Simple Simpson, (7/10: Good)
6: Fraudcast News, (7/10: Good)
5: Treehouse of Horror XIV, (7/10: Good)

4: 'Tis the Fifteenth Season, (8/10: Great)
3: The President Wore Pearls, (9/10: Love)
2: My Mother the Carjacker, (9/10: Love)

1: I, (D'oh)-Bot, (10/10: Best)

This season is basically the same as the last. Just average. While a tad bit weaker than the previous one. It still feels the same to me.
Was an alright season overall

Treehouse of Horror XIV - 4/5
My Mother the Carjacker - 4.75/5
The President Wore Pearls - 3.75/5
The Regina Monologues - 1.25/5
The Fat and the Furriest - 1/5
Today I Am a Clown - 3/5
'Tis the Fifteenth Season - 3.5/5
Marge Vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays - 3.25/5
I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot - 3.75/5
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife - 4/5
Margical History Tour - 1.75/5
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore - 4.5/5
Smart & Smarter - 3.25/5
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner - 2/5
Co-Dependents' Day - 0.5/5
The Wandering Juvie - 4/5
My Big Fat Geek Wedding - 0.75/5
Catch 'Em if You Can - 1/5
Simple Simpson - 4.25/5
The Way We Weren't - 3.75/5
Bart-Mangled Banner - 1.5/5
Fraudcast News - 3/5
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Treehouse of Horror XIV - 5/5 A-
My Mother the Carjacker - 4/5 A-
The President Who Wore Pearls -
5/5 A-
The Regina Monologues - 3/5 B- (For the Jimmy Page insult)
The Fat and the Furriest -
5/5 A
Today I Am A Clown - 4.5/5 A
‘Tis the Fifteenth Season -
5/5 A+
Simple Simpson - 6/5 A++

Glad to see The President Wore Pearls earn a solid Top 4 placement here. That's better than our site consensus was able to deliver (we have it in 7th).