General CD/Vinyl/Cassette Thread


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Oct 24, 2006
Spittle County
Well, there's a general thread for DVDs/Blu-rays & VHS tapes so let's have one for the various physical music mediums as well. It is a shame that physical music is dying out so I figured we'd give it some attention too.

What inspired me to create this was only not due to occasionally picking up some CDs at thrift stores (have made some good finds), but also due to being given a plastic bag full of recordable cassette tapes (owned by the family, of course) by a family member a few days ago (I'm still gradually checking them out to see if there's any interesting or important stuff on them, such as potential old home recordings). These type of audio tapes certainly take me back and I find it interesting that they have seen a revial due to the COVID pandemic (much like VHS has). Listening to them is almost like opening up mystery presents on Christmas: You never really know what you're gonna get, lol.

Too bad that thrift stores in my vicinity doesn't have tapes anymore as I could think of a few that would've been interesting (such as completing the 'Simpsons Sing The Blues' set: I have the CD & the LP so the cassette variant would be neat to have).

Post your recent physical finds and acquisitions, etc.
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I was wondering if there was a thread for physical music much like the one for home video, good to see there's one now!

For my first post, I'll start small by showing the first pieces I got of each format, or at the very least the first ones of actual significance:
Of everything pictured above, the two VeggieTales albums are the ones I've had the longest as I originally got them from eBay back in July of 2012. I've been around CDs for my whole life since I was born mostly thanks to my mother (a few she used to have included The Hits by REO Speedwagon and Zoot Suit Riot by the Cherry Poppin' Daddies, both of which I've since gotten my own copies of). But these two are the first ones that I actually consider to me "Mine" as these were the first two that I essentially paid for despite my grandmother being the one who ordered them.

But the soundtrack to Forrest Gump is what really kicked off my passion for collecting and listening to music that's still going strong nearly eight years later as well as my interests shifting to physical media in general. It was in the fall of 2014 after I'd been volunteering at my local Saint Vincent de Paul's thrift store for a few months, and this was back when they were still in their original building before moving to a bigger one on the other part of town the following spring. As I was leaving for the day, I happened to notice it out of the corner of my eye, looked at the back and liked what I saw having already been familiar with at least half the songs on it so I bought it for a dollar. Since that day, my overall CD count went from about 15 or so (most of which were VeggieTales related) to at least 2,100+ with no signs of stopping!

On the vinyl side of things, the LP of I Am by Earth, Wind & Fire and the 45 of A Fifth of Beethoven by Walter Murphy were found at a city wide garage sale that I went to in Waunakee back in 2015 along with my mother, my older cousin and my aunt. The former was because it's cover art really stood out to me plus I already was familiar with a few songs by them (including Boogie Wonderland from this very album), and the latter because of my familiarity with Walter Murphy thanks to Family Guy (which even used this song in the episode Hell Comes to Quahog, which was where I first heard it). Interestingly, it was only two years ago that I learned that this song wasn't just a one-shot single that became famous thanks to Saturday Night Fever, but was created for a full studio album of the same name which I discovered when I found it at a Goodwill!

And finally, for cassettes we have the soundtrack for The Muppet Movie which I found in 2017 a few days before Christmas at a thrift store I don't really go to anymore. Once again, I was also around cassettes since I was born but most of what I had were read-alongs from book and tape sets put out by Disney but there were a few others like some Thomas & Friends ones and a little later in life the cassette single for Deep, Deep Trouble which I'd gotten from my grandmother. Sadly, all of those ones are either long gone or have been misplaced and possibly in a box somewhere in our garage.
Nice stories, @John95. Will prob share some of my recent/noteable finds & favorites.

Interestingly, I own that same 'Forrest Gump' soundtrack from some years back (sitting next beside me among my CD collection, which dwarfs in comparison to your 2100+ one. You must have a whole wall full), but mine is a normal 2CD case while yours seem to be one of those old thicker cases from before the normal slimmer CD cases were the norm (Also, I was on the way to quote the movie near the end of the OP but I opted for the Christmas comparison instead; cue the soundtrack being pictured).

Couldn't have guessed you were a vinyl collector (even if you are focusing on CDs), but still neat to know (and those two you pictures have nice backstories). I have a couple of records but no vinyl player, which is something I'm interested in (if I can find a more recent one at a good price at the thrift store. The thing is they do take up space so there has to be room).
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Well would take me awhile to photo all my finds at a used record store but I'll name a few that I can think off the top of my head:


Aerosmith: Toys in the Attic
Aerossmith: Rocks
Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
Ten Years After: Undead (Alvin Lee, underrated guitar player, just listen to I'm Going Home from Woodstock)
Rainbow: Rainbow Rising
Van Halen: Van Halen I
Metallica: Ride the Lightning
Go-Go's: Beauty and the Beat
Men at Work: Business as Usual
Def Leppard: On Through the Night
Led Zeppelin; II
Supertramp: Breakfast in America
Duran Duran: Duran Duran (though I bought both Duran Duran for my sis, they are on my shelf)
Duran Duran: Rio
Rush: 2112 (or it might be Moving Pictures)

Cassette Tapes:

Def Leppard: High 'n' Dry
Frank Zappa: Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch
(sitting next beside me among my CD collection, which dwarfs in comparison to your 2100+ one. You must have a whole wall full)
You could say that. I have them stacked on two large bookshelves that are about half a foot taller than me, as well as on 11 other CD racks spread throughout my room that vary in size with the tallest being a few inches shorter than me (I'm 5'9 without shoes). Also, that 2,100 number isn't fully accurate as I write down all the CDs I own and I've still haven't taken into account all the various artists compilations I have which a decent size as well.

mine is a normal 2CD case while yours seem to be one of those old thicker cases from before the normal slimmer CD cases were the norm
Yep, I've got a few others that are like this. They may take up a little more space, but they're still cool as they're usually from their first time being released on the format. Some of the others I've got include the soundtrack for Saturday Night Fever, The Wall by Pink Floyd, Sign o' the Times by Prince and the Bee Gees' first live album from 1977 (which is also among one of the rarest CDs I currently own. It was only printed on CD once in 1990, has been out of print for years and can be a bit pricey on eBay, never going lower than $20. Got mine for $1).

Not sure when they officially stopped releasing new 2 CD sets like this, but one of the last ones I can recall getting this treatment was Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael from 1998. Funnily enough, a few years ago after he passed away my local Shopko was selling a few of his album and among them was that one, and it was still in it's original thicker case design (likely because it contains two booklets instead of the usual one).

I have a couple of records but no vinyl player, which is something I'm interested in
Since 2019 I've had a three in one CD, record and cassette player. Got it from my Methodist church during one of their rummage sales where they were selling it for essentially dirt cheap in comparison for what they normally sell for new (at least $100, while the one I got was under $10). And before that, I had a separate record player that I got from my grandmother for Christmas in 2015 which was one of those shaped like a carrying case.


Aerosmith: Toys in the Attic
Van Halen: Van Halen I
Men at Work: Business as Usual
Led Zeppelin; II
Supertramp: Breakfast in America
Duran Duran: Rio
I also have Business as Usual on vinyl (and CD). The rest I've got on CD.
@John95 my dad and I enjoyed going to used record stores especially during Record Store Day and Black Friday Day, but ever since his dementia I haven't had time. I have quite a big CD collection since high school, in addition to my records I bought from Amazon. I like the physical item, same as books.

Then there is my grandfather's records and 78's.

The sad thing is that my father had a large record collection before he went to Vietnam but his sister lent some to one of the cousins of the family. When he came back he asked for them back but he said no.
You could say that. I have them stacked on two large bookshelves that are about half a foot taller than me, as well as on 11 other CD racks spread throughout my room that vary in size with the tallest being a few inches shorter than me (I'm 5'9 without shoes). Also, that 2,100 number isn't fully accurate as I write down all the CDs I own and I've still haven't taken into account all the various artists compilations I have which a decent size as well.

That really is a considerable amount of CD shelves and racks (and I assume you have several of those plastic boxes meant for vinyl records as well as cassette holders). Hopefully you don't have any CD towers with CDs just stacked on each other (like Homer did in 'Bart The Cool Kid'. Him backing into it made me laugh, in part as I was thinking of my physical CD collection that I do not stack in towers).

Yep, I've got a few others that are like this. They may take up a little more space, but they're still cool as they're usually from their first time being released on the format. Some of the others I've got include the soundtrack for Saturday Night Fever, The Wall by Pink Floyd, Sign o' the Times by Prince and the Bee Gees' first live album from 1977 (which is also among one of the rarest CDs I currently own. It was only printed on CD once in 1990, has been out of print for years and can be a bit pricey on eBay, never going lower than $20. Got mine for $1).

The regular album releases (at least) seem to usually be from the first time they were released, up to the point they went out of fashion and started getting replaced by the regular slim cases (which I guess was in the mid to late 1990's, since I don't recall seeing anyone having a print date after that). As for the 'Forrest Gump' album, I think it must have been released in both case variants since mine has a 1994 print date (which is the original release date): Maybe the thicker case variant is a special release?

I only really own one of these thicker cases personally (at least when it comes to traditional music), which is 'HIStory' by Michael Jackson (which I picked up several years back), but they are indeed pretty neat. The size of the cases make them feel more uniue than they really are (aside from the rare ones that are certainly unique, of course).

Those you have seem like some nice finds (would be nice to see a picture).

Not sure when they officially stopped releasing new 2 CD sets like this, but one of the last ones I can recall getting this treatment was Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael from 1998.

They still do use these thick cases for CDs, but it usually seem only to be for either compilation albums (with more than two discs) and speciality releases by certain labels such as regarding soundtrack releases (speaking of which, I found two of these a few months back and as I understand they are rare. Will get back with a photo).

Since 2019 I've had a three in one CD, record and cassette player. Got it from my Methodist church during one of their rummage sales where they were selling it for essentially dirt cheap in comparison for what they normally sell for new (at least $100, while the one I got was under $10).

I don't think I've ever seen one of those three-in-one's before. I tend to see just the normal separate ones (usually CD player with or without cassette player, cassette players and vinyl record players). I suppose it must be stereo-system size to fit all of those functions. Is it a new model or an older one? I am a little curious now.

Metallica: Ride the Lightning

Seeing that one listed reminds me: I have the first six-seven 'Metallica' albums and a couple of the later 2CD sets on CD, but they technically used to belong to a family member back in the 90's-early 00's (he came by one day a few months and picked up the 2CD sets, btw) and 'Ride The Lightning' was always missing from the 1980s batch, though I found and picked up that CD last year at a thrift store (mainly to complete that first run of albums), which makes it the only one of them that is personally mine.
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@CousinMerl the strange thing about the Ride the Lightning record is that it was pressed in either the USSR or Russia. It really doesnt have markers on it. Sounds ok. I do have the special addition Master of Puppets deluxe box set.

I left my Sailing the Seas of Cheese album in my ex-girlfriends car stereo. I opened the case and it was gone. 😕
@Scrooge McDuck, Huh that's an interesting tidbit about 'Lightning'. The abeformentioned CD I picked up says it was pressed in France (has a copyright date of '89), but then again you're referring to the original vinyl as I understand it.

Speaking of the band, I was never really a fan (not being into the heavy metal/hard rock genres) but a year or two ago (estimating) I did listen to those abeformentioned CD albums my possession & I found myself liking their style a fair bit, with some albums standing out (it also made it a no-brainer to pick up 'Lightning' when I came across it. Luckily, it wasn't in the nearby thrift store where they tend to mark up albums by some noteable & popular bands, 'The Beatles' being one example, so it was a bargain).
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Since I normally have much better luck with finding music related media every month compared to home media, I might post what I find more frequently starting with what I found over the course of four days last week:

Everything in the first photo comes from my local Saint Vincent de Paul's. While they've always sold CD's, they don't normally sell LPs due to how they don't get them in very often. But whenever they do they're always priced at $2 (the same price as DVD's) compared to CDs which are $1. This can also sometimes limit how many I get in a single visit especially when it's like this one with how many CDs I got.

The stuff from the second photo are from a city wide garage sale that happened the next day about 15 minutes outside of town in a small city where my grandmother lived for about 12 and a half years. Despite the LPs I found only being $1, I had to limit myself on which ones to buy as there were still a few other sales I went to that day and I also got a few VeggieTales DVDs from this same one which were each $2. Some of the other LPs there that I wanted to get included Born in the U.S.A. by Bruce Springsteen, Muscle of Love by Alice Cooper and at least two albums from Art Garfunkel's solo career.

(the CD that's shown without it's proper case which was how it was bought is The Sky's the Limit by BlackHawk)

And lastly, everything in the third photo is from a book sale that was happening at my local library (which usually has one every other month, so their next one will be in August during the same weekend as our city wide garage sale) two days later. What's funny is that a good portion of the stuff they had were leftovers from the rummage sale that took place at the local Methodist church the prior month, including the Carole King and Patti LaBelle CDs which are both live albums.
Here's the last of what I got last month, both from two different visits to my local Saint Vincent de Paul's.

The compilation CDs are worth mentioning as back when I really got into collecting CDs, I would often get albums like those compiling at least 10 or so songs from various artists. Nowadays, not really so much though there are times where I'm willing to make an exception like these if they're one that are put out by the likes of Time/Life and Rhino. They're also a great way to obtain hard copies of songs you like but by artists that you don't tend to see much of in my part of the woods (e.g. Fats Domino) or they're an artist or group that only released singles and never had a full-length studio album so CDs like this are your best way of obtaining their hits.
I've picked up a bunch of greatest hits/compilation thrift albums over the last month or so. It's a good way to get the better/best and most well-known songs of the bands in question.

@John95, Interesting (also a good choice for one of the first pickups). I'm guessing that was way, way back.

I've in fact only heard Creedence ever now and then (radio play, part of some other compilation, on TV/movies, etc) but have been interested in an album so when this album showed up at the thrift store it was a no brainer to pick it up right away. A solid collection overall, really highlighting them at their best, and it makes me even more interested in finding the Vol.2 one.
Time to show what I've managed to get over the past two weeks:
The first five CDs in the top row of the first image are from when I went out of town last week for a car show in the same town that had their city wide garage sale in June. The remaining nine in the first image as well as all the ones in the second image are from when I went to my local Saint Vincent de Paul's earlier this week.

John Legend - Love in the Future (2013): It might be a little hard to tell, but this is not only a promotional copy (to which I actually do have a few of), but one that has a sticker on it indicating that it was a gift from my town's very own radio station (WRJC)! It (as well as a few of the others I got that day) was still in it's original shrink wrap, but I was able to save the promotional sticker and put it back on the case once I got it open.

REO Speedwagon - Hi Infidelity (1980): My first full studio album by REO Speedwagon after previously only having two compilations on CD and their first live album (1977's Live: You Get What You Play For) on LP.

Time/Life's Sounds of the Seventies: As previously mentioned, I don't very many various artists compilation albums these days, but I usually make an exception if it's one that was put out by the likes of Time/Life or Rhino, to which the former put out this series in the early 1990s. I'd actually already have a few albums from this series prior to the ones I got shown here. Although it's not shown on their covers, the 1974 & 1976 entries are actually labeled as Take Two meaning that they're not the same as their original releases. I already have the original 1976 entry and comparing the track listings for both, yep, they're different.
Noteable thrift pick-ups from the recent two-three weeks or so:

CD One.png

Some notes: I believe this is the first time I've come across a Toto album and since I'm into 80's music I picked it up (also to get my first real listen to a complete album by the band as I was curious): I really liked this pretty much instantly (then found out it's the 40th anniversary of the album this year so the timing could'nt have been better).

The other two I found and picked up the week after, a couple of soundtracks to my movie soundtrack collection: The 'Beverly Hills Cop' soundtrack is pretty damn solid overall (and not just the most popular songs that I've certainly heard before) the 'Grease' soundtrack I've been interested in for a longer while (Also RIP Olivia Newton-John).
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that Boy Krazy CD is amazing, every song a hit, every hit a smack!
Here's what I've gotten so far this month. First photo is what I got last week during my town's city wide garage sale (minus the Brantley Gilbert album which was from a thrift store a few days prior) and the rest is what I got yesterday from my local Saint Vincent de Paul's.
One album to note is the Baba Men one which I considered ironic as this was right before I began to rewatch Season 14 (three episodes left, just got finished with Dude, Where's My Ranch?) which featured them doing a parody of their most famous song.

Ugly Kid Joe's America's Least Wanted is the original release with the controversial cover with the band's mascot giving the middle finger.

And regarding the soundtrack to Fifty Shades of Grey... Fuck those movies, but Love Me Like You Do is a bop!

I believe this is the first time I've come across a Toto album and since I'm into 80's music I picked it up
The 80s happens to be my favorite decade when it comes to music! Besides that Toto album, I also have their greatest hits album Past to Present.

(Also RIP Olivia Newton-John).
I know, couldn't believe it myself either when I heard. Only 73 years old too... Besides the soundtrack to Grease (which I have on both CD & LP), I also have on CD a greatest hits album of hers from the 80s, one of her 80s albums, a 90s album and The Christmas Angel, a Mannheim Steamroller album where she provides bits of narration between songs. I also have the US releases of a few of her 70s albums on LP.

Nice finds overall, still waiting for when you post finding an album that I actually don't have.
@John95, First off, it's crazy (maybe even insane) how many CDs you pick up in such a short time. I'm guessing it's not all from just one or two goes but several visits. Must've cost a lot, either way.

I see you found several 'Metallica's (all of which I own), including 'Ride The Lightning' which I earlier spoke about finding earlier this year. I also spot an 'Eminem' album ('Curtain Call'): I've found and picked up a couple of his albums over last half year (or so( at the same thrift shop (those two albums being 'The Marshall Mathers' & 'The Eminem Show'). None of these seem to be too common second hand, but that I guess is still common for albums by noteable and popular artists & bands).

The 80s happens to be my favorite decade when it comes to music! Besides that Toto album, I also have their greatest hits album Past to Present.

It's maybe my favorite decade as well (so many great songs from an otherwise lambasted decade of music. I'd argue that technically, the 70's has a more artistic value as a whole, but I just cannot say no to a good 80's production with instruments, synths & sax solos, lol), hence why I seem to have posted a lot of 80's albums so far in this thread.

I also spotted you also got the 'Bevery Hills Cop' soundtrack a little earlier & I see you got the the 'Rocky IV' soundtrack as well (which I don't have, but I have a DVD boxset with the movies, a cheap thrift find, but now I digress). You also have picked up some recent ones (some relatively new releases such as the soundtracks to 'A Star Is Born').

Seems like we both are into movie soundtracks; Like I've said I also collect them (mainly movie scores such as those by John Williams, but also song soundtracks). From my collection, these two are examples & a couple that stands out to me; the first is maybe the quintessential 80's movie soundtrack & the latter is definitely one of my favorites (It's a banger):


I know, couldn't believe it myself either when I heard. Only 73 years old too... Besides the soundtrack to Grease (which I have on both CD & LP), I also have on CD a greatest hits album of hers from the 80s, one of her 80s albums, a 90s album and The Christmas Angel, a Mannheim Steamroller album where she provides bits of narration between songs. I also have the US releases of a few of her 70s albums on LP.

I could almost guess you'd have several of her works considering the size of your collection (though indeed, it's sad she's gone. She's been a fighter for such a long time). Speaking of her works, other than 'Grease', I also have the 'Xanadu' soundtrack present at home (on CD, but I believe there's the LP as well somewhere. Gotta check). That's another excellent one (furthermore, to get a lil' off topic again, I also have the movie on DVD which is on my watchlist & that is fully knowing it's usually said to be pretty bad; still want to see it).

Nice finds overall, still waiting for when you post finding an album that I actually don't have.

I think I might have some. Will post some more finds from this and last month soon. We'll see if there's any you don't own.
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it's crazy (maybe even insane) how many CDs you pick up in such a short time. I'm guessing it's not all from just one or two goes but several visits. Must've cost a lot, either way.
Nope! Regarding the second photo everything shown was bought that very day for only $1 each. The most I paid for any single CD within the last week was that Brantley Gilbert one which was $2.

I also spot an 'Eminem' album ('Curtain Call'): I've found and picked up a couple of his albums over last half year (or so( at the same thrift shop (those two albums being 'The Marshall Mathers' & 'The Eminem Show'). None of these seem to be too common second hand, but that I guess is still common for albums by noteable and popular artists & bands).
Yeah, this was the first time I came across one of his albums secondhand. And I can relate to certain artists not being common in my area especially on CD.

Seems like we both are into movie soundtracks; Like I've said I also collect them (mainly movie scores such as those by John Williams, but also song soundtracks). From my collection, these two are examples & a couple that stands out to me; the first is maybe the quintessential 80's movie soundtrack & the latter is definitely one of my favorites (It's a banger)
Yeah I've got a fair number, though mainly song ones like for Disney's films. The only one I have so far that's really just the score is the LP of the first Star Wars film from it's original release. One neat about it was that despite being pre-owned it came with a mail-in offer for a t-shirt.

I have Top Gun on both CD & LP.

Your copy of Space Jam just so happens to be the first time you've posted having that I don't fully have. I have it myself (as well as the movie on Blu-ray) after finding it during last year's city wide garage sale, but it's one of a number of albums I have where at least one part is missing. In the case of that one, I'm missing it's front cover.

Speaking of her works, other than 'Grease', I also have the 'Xanadu' soundtrack present at home (on CD, but I believe there's the LP as well somewhere. Gotta check).
I don't have that one. I once came across the LP at a garage sale but despite being pre-owned it was priced for at least $10 which is way more than I'm willing to pay for one that I find locally (eBay is different, which I've used so far to get the soundtracks of the first two Muppet films).
@John95, Great bargain for all of those, then. They really must have a surplus of used CDs.

Yeah I've got a fair number, though mainly song ones like for Disney's films. The only one I have so far that's really just the score is the LP of the first Star Wars film from it's original release. One neat about it was that despite being pre-owned it came with a mail-in offer for a t-shirt.

That 'Star Wars' soundtrack seems like a great find (Doesn't sound like a "just" to me, lol). I suppose it is the original double record 1977 vinyl and not some modern reprint? I did a Google search and see it came with the mail-in offer as well as a poster (the latter of which I suppose yours didn't come with). Also, What's the story behind you getting it (and how much did it cost)?

Your copy of Space Jam just so happens to be the first time you've posted having that I don't fully have. I have it myself (as well as the movie on Blu-ray) after finding it during last year's city wide garage sale, but it's one of a number of albums I have where at least one part is missing. In the case of that one, I'm missing it's front cover.

That's an interesting one. I dont think I've ever come across an official album second hand where the cover is missing as they all have been rather complete and in at least decent shape (on a few CDs the jewel case have been a little scuffed with maybe a crack and a few times the disc holder plate have been broken & had to be replaced; in fact, for the former Eminem CD I had to replace that part).

Also, I too guess this half counts as one that I have but you don't.

I don't have that one. I once came across the LP at a garage sale but despite being pre-owned it was priced for at least $10 which is way more than I'm willing to pay for one that I find locally (eBay is different, which I've used so far to get the soundtracks of the first two Muppet films).

Oh, I thought you had that one. Either way, hopefully you'll find the LP for cheap somewhere as it's real good (or better yet, you'll come across the CD which shouldn't be too expensive, especially second hand).
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these are the only vinyls i own so far, OK Human by Weezer, Congratulations by MGMT and Chasing The Horizon by MAN WITH A MISSON.

I'll love to get more if i had more income, im more so interested in modern LPs.
Here's the rest of what I got last month, all from my local Saint Vincent de Paul's and arranged by which week I got them:
(ignore Billy Idol's Vital Idol being shown in the second image, I'd forgotten which week I'd gotten it when I took the photo).
Double posting to show what I got from my Methodist church's rummage sale this past weekend, which has to be a record for how many CDs I've gotten within 24 hours!
All the CDs were 50 cents each while the cassettes were 10 cents each.
I've made a bunch of thrift finds in August but haven't gotten around to posting a pic yet. Will get to it soon.
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This would be the most part of my batch of thrift albums from last month (August).

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@John95, I was thinking on what you said earlier in the thread (about waiting for me posting about finding any album that you don't have) so I'm curious if there's any you don't own that are pictured in my recent posts? I'm guessing the DKC soundtrack?