Fighting Hellfish episode trivia

mr. broom

comes from circumstances
Aug 27, 2001
Lawrence, KS
1) What did young Burns get busted down to private for?
2) What did Sgt. Simpson say before he tried to shoot Adolf Hitler?
3) What brand of canned peas is Abe eating in the photo Burns faxes to the assassin?
4) What does Burns call the fax machine?
5) What does Burns thank Bart not to do when he steals the paintings from him and Abe?
6) Where does Baron von Hertzenberger need to go, and to see what?
7) What three Springfielder's fathers (other than Homer's) were in the Hellfish?
8) What were their names (the fathers, that is)?
1) obstructing a probe from hoover
2) now theyll never save your brain hitler
3) goya
7) skinner, gumble, wiggum
8) sheldon, arnie, iggy