Doctor Who Discussion Thread

Next week in the UK, they're airing an in-character recap show of series one with The Doctor and Ruby taking a 'pause' in battle to reminisce on their adventures together with  the aid of a 'remembered TARDIS' 

Bringing in my tier list. Boom is right on the edge of getting into the highest tier and might on a rewatch but for now the top 2 feel like they deserve to be separated from the rest. And yes the individual tiers are ordered.
Next week in the UK, they're airing an in-character recap show of series one with The Doctor and Ruby taking a 'pause' in battle to reminisce on their adventures together with  the aid of a 'remembered TARDIS' 
I cant help but wonder if there's a twist to this
I'm still trying to work out how I feel after last nights finale episode, but here's my rankings of this season overall (subject to change)
my-image (9).png
 I think the idea of the TARDIS landing wherever The Doctor needed help was always a B.S thing from the Moffat era, now they've left us with the implication that ever since the 70s, it's been more or potentially influenced/decided upon by a God is much better for the show, and retroactively helps assert a sense of second sight and forboding, that rewards fans of NuWho whenever they watch an old serial post-Pyramids. I also like to headcanon Idris from The Doctor's Wife may have now been a constructed consciousness conjured forth by Suktekch to give The Doctor exactly what he wanted to hear.

And is Mrs. Flood's get up at the end a take on both Mary Poppins mixed with East 17? Given the Christmas connections to the story of Ruby Road, probably 

For anyone who didn't watch Doctor Who Unleashed or were unable to access it, there were  previews of Ruby returning in series two and some info on the Christmas special. 
The BBC have officially confirmed that the 2024 special "Joy to the World" will screen on Chistmas Day as expected.

Here's the preview clip that aired last Friday
