Doctor Who Discussion Thread

He's got some pretty terrible episodes under his belt but at this point I'm just glad we're getting some new blood regardless of who it is. I'm guessing the success of Broadchurch played some part in his selection as well.
Yeah, I think the time's right for Moffat to hand over the reigns but looking at some of Chibnall's episodes....yeesh. Although at the same time Broadchurch was good so uh who knows I guess.
Yep. Moffat was the obvious choice way back when because he had written some terrific episodes, but ultimately wasn't too great at running a whole show. So perhaps the opposite will be the case this time, one would hope.
Oh I quite agree, 5 and 6 were both excellent but the story arcs were problematic and the non-Moffat episodes, Neil Gaiman aside, often weren't the best. I've always found the RTD era more consistent in general, all of it felt like it was written in his voice and overall felt more polished whereas the Moffat era was fairly hit and miss. He certainly has creativity in spades but having to manage an entire series saw that creativity pretty stretched thin. It just wasn't a job well suited to him, ultimately.
chibnall did power of three tho

plus moffat's been doing it forever and it's probably getting stale
ok i'm just coming back to say that i am very pleased with this news. while i have always enjoyed the moffat era except for series 7 part 2, i've felt like his run was starting to reach its end, especially after the husbands of river song which was basically a love letter for moffat fans and would have been a fitting conclusion in itself.

while i can't say i've enjoyed chibnall's episodes as much as i enjoyed moffat's rtd-era episodes, he always seemed like the most likely candidate for the new showrunner to me. 42 and the power of three are some of my favourite episodes and i'm also fond of hungry earth/cold blood and dinosaurs on a spaceship. so yeah i can't wait for moffat's big finale that is series 10 and for whatever the chibnall era will bring.
this is the vm i sent alias fakename:

Eh I felt like it was time for a break anyway. I regret leaving in a pretty stupid way but there's nothing I can do about that now. *shrugs*

Besides I have a really busy life at the moment to say the least so I probably won't be back permanently until the summer.

also comeau hmm it sounds like you're stalking me or something maybe

again i'm sorry i left in a stupid way but having a break for a few months isn't exactly the worst thing in the world
while i can't say i've enjoyed chibnall's episodes as much as i enjoyed moffat's rtd-era episodes, he always seemed like the most likely candidate for the new showrunner to me.
I always thought it would be Toby Whithouse. His episodes weren't the greatest either, but Being Human proved he was capable of writing a show with character focus and, at times, heart. Although I wasn't fond of the move towards a greater mythos that show took in its later seasons, it proved he was capable of being ambitious, all of which makes him feel more experienced to run a show than say, the creator of a police procedural. But, hey, I'll give it a shot.
Nice. If Moffat can go back to writing individual episodes instead of Showrunning then there is literally no downside to this.

Cant wait to see Chibnall's version of Rose/Clara that eventually becomes the new most important girl ever.
Top 10 Ninth Doctor/Tenth Doctor Stories
1. Blink
2. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
3. Human Nature/The Family of Blood
4. Dalek
5. Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
6. The Girl in the Fireplace
7. Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
8. Midnight
9. Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
10. 42

Bottom 10:
1. Fear Her
2. Planet of the Dead
3. The Runaway Bride
4. The Next Doctor
5. Voyage of the Damned
6. The End of Time
7. Love and Monsters
8. Boom Town
9. The Long Game
10. New Earth

yes i fucking hate rtd era specials
Seems fair.

My Top 10
1. Blink
2. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
3. Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
4. The Fires of Pompeii
5. The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
6. The Girl in the Fireplace
7. School Reunion
8. Human Nature/The Family of Blood
9. Planet of the Ood
10. Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways

Bottom 10
1. The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
2. The End of Time
3. Voyage of the Damned
4. Planet of the Dead
5. The Idiot's Lantern
6. Utopia/The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords
7. Evolution of the Daleks/Daleks in Manhattan
8. Tooth and Claw
9. Fear Her
10. The Runaway Bride

My Top 10
1. Midnight
2. Human Nature / The Family of Blood
3. The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
4. Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead
5. Dalek
6. Blink
7. Father's Day
8. Utopia
9. Gridlock
10. The Girl in the Fireplace

Bottom 10
1. Daleks in Manhatten / Evolution of the Daleks
2. Fear Her
3. Love & Monsters
4. Aliens of London / World War Three
5. The Long Game
6. The Lazarus Experiment
7. The Stolen Earth / Journey's End
8. The Idiot's Lantern
9. New Earth
10. The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky
Just watched The Next Doctor for the first time since 2008. It was way better than I remembered, it's my second favourite RTD Christmas special now.

1. The Christmas Invasion
2. The Husbands of River Song
3. The Snowmen
4. The Time of the Doctor
5. The Next Doctor
6. A Christmas Carol
7. Last Christmas
8. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
9. Voyage of the Damned
10. The End of Time
11. The Runaway Bride
For me it's:

1. Last Christmas
2. A Christmas Carol
3. The Christmas Invasion
4. The Snowmen
5. The Time of the Doctor
6. The Husbands of River Song
7. The Next Doctor
8. The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe
9. The Runaway Bride
10. Voyage of the Damned
11. The End of Time
I'm in the middle of rewatching the End of Time. Boy is it a crock of shit. The Master can fly? The fuck is that all about? Wilf somehow knows about regeneration even though he shouldn't? And other assorted bullshit things going on.

This is the story that made me hate the Tenth Doctor. While rewatching his tenure I've realised that I'm quite fond of his portrayal of the Doctor and of his tenure as a whole except for a few episodes, but this just throws away everything I could have possibly liked about Tennant and makes him a fucking over emotional cry baby. Sure Tennant would still be my least favourite of the new series Doctors even if his last story was done better, but the End of Time left a really bad impression on me for almost four years (when the Day of the Doctor aired and partially redeemed his last episodes for me).