Has anyone ever seen the Simpsons air on ABC? I saw a recording on YouTube from Saint Louis. Because I know Disney owns abc and fox, so i guess It could be possible. But the other thing that confused the h*ll out of me was that it aired on NBC. The NBC clip looks like a fake because there was no screen bug in the bottom right corner like there usually is. So I doubt it was rea.
I can’t wait for the Indy 500. Is anyone going there this year. I know I am. Sadly, I am too young for the snake pit. I’m sad about that because they have a great lineup this year
FANSITE UPDATE: So, The Website Is Going Pretty Well As It Comes To Development. I Renamed The Website To “The Lisa Simpson Butter Company (A Division Of Li’l Lisa Slurry)” Which Is Company I Made Up Based Off Of A Fanart I Found (The One On My Signature). I Added A New Color Code And Font. I Think It Looks Ok For A Site Made On Google Sites.
currently working on a fansite dedicated to lisa. Although it’s gonna be really shitty because I’m using google sites and I have very minimal html skills
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