Recent content by thrilling bargains

  1. thrilling bargains

    who is your favorite character in blondie?

    update: dagwood has won the poll
  2. thrilling bargains

    What's the best season?

    i have WAY more than 58 posts :mad:
  3. thrilling bargains

    Brown eyes your pulse is getting quicker

    Brown eyes your pulse is getting quicker
  4. thrilling bargains

    What's the best season?

    classic season 7
  5. thrilling bargains

    Users you really miss

    i miss navin
  6. thrilling bargains

    here's a visitor message for my old pal Dark Homer.

    here's a visitor message for my old pal Dark Homer.
  7. thrilling bargains

    who is your favorite character in blondie?

    Blondie Bumstead: The eponymous leading lady of the comic strip. Blondie is a smart, sweet, and responsible woman. She can be stressed at times when raising her family and because of Dagwood's antics and despite being usually laid-back and patient, Blondie does get upset sometimes. She is also...
  8. thrilling bargains

    Breaking Bad

    you people are not watching tv the right way
  9. thrilling bargains

    Fawlty Towers

    communication problems is one of the funniest half hours ever aired
  10. thrilling bargains

    i miss you bro :(

    i miss you bro :(
  11. thrilling bargains

    Scheduled NHC Downtime for Significant Upgrade: May 27th through June 1st

    nice to see i'm still killing it with profile views. no clue who #2 is (percy wellington?) but i have nearly 3 times as many as he does. take THAT, random motherfucker!
  12. thrilling bargains

    i don't mean to be presumptive, but would you please change your username since you basically...

    i don't mean to be presumptive, but would you please change your username since you basically never post? i would really like to have the username billy, if possible. not a big deal or anything, but i'd really appreciate it.