Watched The Bob Next Door again today and that episode remains an enigma to me. It has a golden premise that succeeds really well before completely falling into chaos by the second half. Even still it could work if it didn’t treat the conflict as entirely for laughs. It’s Face/Off but a horror movie, what’s not to love? But the problem is the face stuff is entirely used for comedy that isn’t funny, so it’s Face/Off but it’s a horror movie that doesn’t take itself seriously and loops back around to being a comedy. It’s bizarre, it’s surreal, it’s a completely disorienting experience
And I fucking LOVE IT! GOD IS THIS EPISODE FUN! It’s critically just a 6/10 but in my heart it’s an 11/10 no fucking notes, I LOVE THE CHAOS. Also, never watch this episode without friends, the funniest way to experience this episode is to watch it with your friends going in completely blind