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  • I just finished S5 last night and honestly on top of the Mirkin era being my favorite writing wise, I think it’s the most visually appealing era, at least for me. I mean, look at Homer in this clip, he’s adorable
    Generally every scene with Lionel Hutz is comedy gold but I think his role in Marge on the Lam is my favorite of his. The fact that is starts with him appearing at the door saying “I was just going through your garbage,” with the hilarious delivery by Phil Hartman omg. I come back to these bits too often, they’re peak

    I love this episode, not just because of the Hutz (though that makes 95% of why I like this episode), but also the stuff with Marge and Ruth Powers, I wish they brought Ruth back as a regular so she can be Marge's friend, but alas she's voiced by a celebrity.
    Mek The Halls
    Mek The Halls
    Phil Hartman really SOLD those characters with his delivery.
    like...i dont think they would've worked nearly as well without his voice. he had this kind of naive? not naive it was like careless kind of attitude, his characters did, where they would say and do these crazy things but like with the most positive vibe, like...they dont care they're just living and here to do their duty. it was so good
    [screaming] Genetically modified DNA takes control of Bob's body and begins attacking Springfield :lol:
    Random question:
    what would you think would happen if Sideshow Bob met Fat Tony, Legs and Louie? Would he join them?

    Now that i'm thinking about it.. The show's "villains" have rarely interacted.

    Mr Burns and Bob never interacted if i'm not wrong. Or Fat Tony and burns. Maybe cus they dont have chemistry?
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    I suppose it depends on the intent of the writer. Thinking about how Tony and Bob would work together is kinda uncharted waters because the two have never even been in the same room together, let alone spoken. Still, I think a Tony and Bob episode has legs (pun intended) and I’d be interested to see it. I’d imagine Bob only works with the Mafia as a means of getting to Bart and would ditch them as soon as he gets the chance to get his revenge. But, like I said, they could really do anything with them

    Also Burns and Bob have fortunately interacted before in Bobby It’s Cold Outside!
    Aight, Christmas is over, time to dejolly my account, sorry
    They just announced an event honoring Jojo’s “past and FUTURE” on April 12th

    I love Breaking Bad I wish Los Pollos Hermanos was real
    Dear people who write fanfic/make fan art of the Mafia guys: what is all of their vibe? Like I can identify names but I’ve never really taken the time to gauge what makes Johnny Tightlips different from Louie and Legs personality-wise

    This may or may not be relevant to writing my big fic
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    @SnowbaIl, yeah up until I wrote that comment I never really realized their parallels! It would be interesting to get a story between Lou/Eddie and Legs/Louie to see how they'd interact without their bosses.
    Or maybe a story where Fat Tony is the cop and Wiggum is the mob boss, LOL! Has Simpsons ever done that?
    Mek The Halls
    Mek The Halls
    you've been alluding to this ''Big Fic'' for quite a while now
    really curious to see it. that is if you choose to post it on here
    Oh yeah, I'll definitely show it off once I actually get started on it. With finals week and everything before that, I haven't had the chance to make a whole lot of progress lately, but winter break is right around the corner and I intend to march on with it. I'm just outlining and establishing character bios rn but eventually I'll start writing it out!
    My favorite pet headcanon, RIP Fran
    YEAH LOL WHAT HAPPENED?? Is there a good fanfic out there that has stepped in to fill this void? I seriously can't believe they introduced a whole new character with no explanation in "The Yellow Lotus"...
    Don’t forget Cassandra before her in S31! At least you can explain her away by saying it was a Christmas situationship or smth, how tf are you supposed to explain away Fran when Bob got REMARRIED? You could say they divorced, but considering Bob’s next appearance after her disappearance was when he cut off a dude’s face, I think it’s Francescover guys…
    Ah yes, a great, choice for an episode... also, remember the episode I uploaded here. How many times did you watch it and did the character have red hair? Just curious.
    Wait a sec, you’re the fucking guy who’s looking for the lost S13 episode

    Is this, like, an ARG or something or is it serious?
    Mek The Halls
    Mek The Halls
    I remember seeing that lost episode back in 2002
    i was a 1-year-old then so my memory is fuzzy but i remember sideshow bob jumping up and saying ''Gay sex is the way'' and i honestly found that to be quite progressive especially in 2002 when homosexual relationships were very much frowned upon sadly, but what i think was the work of maybe Al jean who is known for making very low-brow pretentious homosexual gags, was a scene from Bart where he karate kicks bob in the face and says ''Humanity will never accept Gay sex'' and i feel the reason they banned this was cause of this exact scene as it instead portrays Bart as the bad guy and Bob as the good guy, and i feel it recontextualizes a lot of the series as Sideshow bob not seeing a place in the world for bigots and thus wanting to eliminate Bart. So i think cutting it off the air was the smart move. But i'll never forget what bart said. Never forget.
    Watched The Bob Next Door again today and that episode remains an enigma to me. It has a golden premise that succeeds really well before completely falling into chaos by the second half. Even still it could work if it didn’t treat the conflict as entirely for laughs. It’s Face/Off but a horror movie, what’s not to love? But the problem is the face stuff is entirely used for comedy that isn’t funny, so it’s Face/Off but it’s a horror movie that doesn’t take itself seriously and loops back around to being a comedy. It’s bizarre, it’s surreal, it’s a completely disorienting experience

    And I fucking LOVE IT! GOD IS THIS EPISODE FUN! It’s critically just a 6/10 but in my heart it’s an 11/10 no fucking notes, I LOVE THE CHAOS. Also, never watch this episode without friends, the funniest way to experience this episode is to watch it with your friends going in completely blind
    Bart and Lisa are Awesome
    Bart and Lisa are Awesome
    This is my favorite overall episode
    This is so fascinating. This is one of my least favorite episodes, but it honestly brings me a weird amount of joy to see others so thoroughly love an episode that i have only negative things to say about. And im so used to oldtimer fans on NHC who would only ever choose a season 3-8 episode as their favorite, it’s honestly a breath of fresh air to see a season 21 episode as someone’s favorite episode ever, even if it’s one that I dislike!
    I think it’s fitting given how chaotic this episode is tonally and conceptually that it’s got such a mixed legacy. Any opinion on this episode, whether it’s positive or negative, is something I’ll nod and agree with because there’s just so much shit going on

    The main thing I wanna know is wtf did the writing process looked like for this episode, like how did we even get to the Five Corners Face/Off thing to begin with lmfao
    So a new episode is titled PS I Hate You and naturally I am being normal and well adjusted about it
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    LOL BOB WATCH, I LOVE IT!! Can't help but think Baywatch! XD
    I hope you get as lucky as I did this season because my brain exploded seeing Stu in 2 THOH segments and Women in Shorts, praise God!!!! HAHAHA! Anyway, I hope more Bob comes around soon for ya! :D
    I'd guess that 'P.S., I Hate You' could be co-runned by Michael Price. Why I say that, because then again, Brian Kelley already co-runned Cesar Mazariegos' UABF script which was 'Not It', Tim Long already co-runned Cesar Mazariegos' OABF script which was Homer's Crossing, and Rob LaZebnik already co-runned Cesar Mazariegos' 35ABF script which was 'Night of the Living Wage'
    Mek The Halls
    Mek The Halls
    i see the vision! praying it's a bob episode 🙏
    I went into JJK really worried I was falling into a Demon Slayer kinda thing, where it tricks you into thinking it's good with animation and moments of catharsis when the characters and writing behind that sucks. Jujustu Kaisen is by no means perfectly written, I have my problems with how it tells its story, but it notably has something that Demon Slayer doesn't: personality. From the very first episode, it has such a palpable energy that sets it apart from other anime, and it only further captivates you by how real its characters feel. I know this word is overused, but it really has this aura that makes the whole package of JJK a real treat to watch even if it doesn't have the most stellar of writing

    I mean, I know I'm late to the party, but just look at this ED. LOOK AT IT! THIS SHIT IS SO COOL
    Decided to Christmas up my profile with a Bobby It’s Cold Outside pfp (I know it’s not that good but my only option is my only option) and a Pim Finally Turns Green banner (actual peak, we love Rotten the Snowman)

    Why decide to do it now before Thanksgiving? Idk, I’m just trying to be a little jolly. Spread a little Christmas spirit. You really gonna knock me for jollying myself up? Sounds a little Grinch-like to me
    After carefully considering the first two episodes of Jujustu Kaisen, I now fully understand why people like Gojo so much. I am one of them now. I love this fucking guy
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