kidney episode, lady gaga episode, tale of 2 springfields, probably a hidden ep in s2 and a lot more
Favorite Season of The Simpsons
Simpsons Merchandise You Own
scully seasons
Year You Started Watching?
insert unfunny joke
Favorite TV Show(s)
dexter, american dad, breaking bad, office, parks and rec, father in london, it's always sunny in philadelphia, seinfeld, simpsons, king of the hill, fg, malcolm in the middle, sailor moon, yu yu hakusho and dragon ball oh and did i forget family guy and american dad?
Favorite Movie(s)
pulp fiction, nightmare on elm and other stuff
Favorite Musical Artist / Band(s)
blink 182, kanye west, flaming lips, cheap trick, my bloody valentine, weezy weezy, lil uzi vert, r.e.m, playboi carti and beach boys
Favorite Computer / Video Game(s)
mega man 1, donkey kong country 1-3, 2d zelda, crash trilogy, final fantasy ix, sonic 3 and pokemon gen 2/3 are prob my most played/favorite games, and have most of their games
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