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  • I need to ask someone; I figure I'll just ask you since you're online. How do I put a video on the site? If I put [video] tags around it, it just gives me a link. But if I put
    I'm not sure how to get animated avatars, or to put pictures in your signature. (Neither of them have ever worked for me.)
    Thanks! I want to get an avatar of Raph eventually too. He and Donnie are my favorites, but I saw this avatar of Mikey and I had to use it.
    As soon as I saw your "number one" post, I burst out in laughter. I had to seal the deal with "number two".
    It's cool, that's how these threads work nowadays. The actual topic only lasts for a few minutes!
    That's what I'm talking about. Obviously people with money should buy everything, but I'm gonna have to do that retroactively in about a decade's time because I just don't have money. This show's definitely on the list for some bought episodes soon though :)
    I would pay to watch it, but I'm not paying Netflix. I.m.o everyone should pay for one season of a show, and if they get a tip on it being a good one that's even better because it sends the right message.
    I was, but then I cancelled Netflix. I can't find a good arrr source for 8 so far, but I bet it's out there if it's aired in entirety.
    I think everyone should try it once. I mean, it might be disgusting, but you'd definitely finish it because no one wants to waste meat or alcohol. So really it just traps you into having a good time.
    That's fantastic and I did get that gist about them. Ahh I feel sorry for Rickety Cricket too. Mostly because they casually ruined his life and kept coming back for more. So you say you don't drink much - what about a RUM HAM? That's the single most horrifyingly awesome sounding thing that I've ever seen on TV and wanted to try.
    I always liked it, but gotta admit I never LOVED it until about S4. Thoroughly enjoyed 5 and 6, as you can see by the fact that it took me like a day or so to watch. And you're the one deserving hugs tbh, it's probably your fault I started watching this show! :D
    Ah yeah at the start they came off pretty horrid, I'll give you that. Charlie's the only one I ever feel sorry for. And yeah I feel like Dennis mentioned the feelings thing when he had that high school girlfriend wife thing. Season 7 now, yo! I haven't wasted so many good consecutive hours since I marathoned Breaking Bad. :D
    An example of the gang being particularly horrible in that episode XD
    I didn't think any of them were really that bad in this one. Selfish, yeah, but really nothing my own friends wouldn't do and they're not normally a patch on these people. Have you got an example? (Love the spaghetti lines though. "What's your spaghetti policy?")
    My mum's ex had a BEARD beard and I swear she pulled hairs out of her mouth on occasion. Now that's a bit weird. XD
    Yeah I can't vote on full beards because I don't know if maybe it's horrible kissing someone who has a beard, but definitely no problem with facial hair. I always wind my mate up about it because his girlfriend hates it but idgaf. It's way itchier kissing someone who shaved yesterday than if they shaved a week ago so she's crazy. I.m.o the ideal guy is cute enough not to look like a caveman if they don't shave XD
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