Cheers for those comforting words in the chatbox *rocks back and forth with tears streaming down face* I just don't know how I'll summon up the patience to wait for that day. btw, it's Jetthead. Just in case you didn't know.
I've had a couple friends who've worked at Gamestop or similar places, and they seem to like it a lot, it seems to be a pleasant work environment from what I've heard. That's a long time to wait on getting an interview, congratulations on finally hearing back from somewhere. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
It's a job at a call centre. Not ideal work, but above minimum wage pay, so that's pretty awesome. I have my fingers crossed that I get good news, and I'm grateful I won't have long to find out--even if it isn't good news. What job do you have your interview for? Again, best of luck with it.
Before you're gone, I just wanted to leave a visitor message here. I'll miss this fellow chap. Next to Shaun, he is my closest friend on here. I'll seeya on Skype.
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