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  • What your opinion on these Fox cancelled shows such as Bless The Harts, Duncanville and HouseBroken? like did you watched them?
    American Dad's new season premieres next Monday. The first episode is The Grocery Store Bank. Are you gonna watch it?
    Possibly, though based on how bad it gets (of which it has at least a 50/50 chance of being) I don't see myself finishing it.
    Hey, Do you watched Bob's Burgers, Futurama and King of the Hill?
    No to Bob's Burgers, but yes to King of the Hill (been meaning to do a full rewatching of it actually) and sorta to Futurama (never made it further than Bender's Big Score when it premiered on Comedy Central back in 2008, but have been meaning to do a rewatch of the FOX stuff plus finally watching everything in the 15+ years since Bender's Big Score).
    I see you dislike "American Fung".

    I hate that episode too. It's just a steaming pile of Roger's splooge.
    Almost everyone hates that episode with the overall reception being that it being awful on purpose doesn't make it 'brilliant' or 'funny', it just further highlights it's awfulness.

    That said, when it comes to the season it's from it's honestly not even it's worst episode. CIAPOW, Morning Mimosa, The Shrink; Holy Shit, Jeff's Back! and Seizure Suit Stanny are all much worse in my opinion.
    Dave the AniDom King!
    Dave the AniDom King!
    I'm rewatching CIAPOW right now.
    Okay, let's get this straight.

    The Simpsons has 3 episodes left this season.
    Family Guy's season is already over and it ended on a bad note.
    American Dad's season hasn't even started yet. Why? There's no release date announced yet! Maybe it'll come out in September or something.
    my-image (10).png
    My current rankings during my rewatch of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, now including all of Season 2 which I finished a few days ago, as well as the episodes from Season 3 that I won't be rewatching (which unfortunately includes the first of several Z tier episodes, and one that I've always hated even when it first premiered back in 2005).

    Some say that everything after the pilot sucks, others say everything after Season 1 sucks, but where I fall is more on the side of everything after Season 2 being a mixed bag. Seasons 3 & 4 are the point where I felt the Seasonal Rot really kicked in with one of the biggest factors being the very idiotic decision that Cheese (the very definition of a one-off character) needed to have more episodes where he played a pivotal role, all of them awful (most of which make up most of the episodes in Z tier)! And considering how low his debut episode Mac Daddy is currently just goes to show how he's a character who only barely scrapes by as a main character one time before he turns into an unwanted annoyance afterwards.
    Currently doing a rewatch of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and decided to rank the episodes on a tier list as I go. So here's how it currently looks after finishing Season 1 today.
    my-image (6).png
    A tier is for the best episodes, B tier are for episodes that are also still good and C is for the OK episodes and the last ones I'd willingly rewatch (but not really go out of my way for). Episodes in D tier downward are the ones not worth watching because they're boring or bad, F is for the episodes that are worse and Z is for the ones so terrible that putting them in F would be an insult!

    I actually didn't watch Adoptcalypse Now, honestly haven't since at least 2005 I think. However, this is based on memory and I remember not really liking this episode back then, largely for the ending which is the first instance I can think of of the mean-spirited tone that becomes more frequent later going too far. In fact, basically any episode that'll go in the C tier downward will be based on memory as even back these episodes were new there some of them always sucked.

    I also haven't watched Where There's a Wilt, There's a Way or Everyone Knows It's Bendy, nor will I and these rankings too are based on memory. I actually did rewatch the former back in 2018 and it ended up being one of a few that I rewatched during that time that ended up being worse than before, even if it's biggest crime is just being boring.

    As for Everyone Knows It's Bendy... Well, what the hell can I say about this one that nobody else hasn't already said because everyone who has seen it knows how much of a piece of shit it is? Though the fact that in my rankings it's only in F tier and not Z tier should be telling of my scathing opinions of some of the later episodes with the first episode in that tier coming as early as Season 3! At least Bendy's shitshow is only 11 minutes of crap, something I can't say for something like say... The Big Cheese (or it's even worse POV Sequel The Little Peas).
    Really nice self-drawn avatar/profile pic you're using now (by the way, I do like when you use something you drew yourself; you're a good artist & I like the down to earth-ness of the "pencil and crayons on paper" approach). I suppose that's based on an actual episode?
    Thanks. And yes, it's based on a scene from an actual episode (Just in the Mick of Time) but changed slightly to give Luna a different outfit than the one she wore in the image I based it on.

    I figured it was also appropriate too since in a few days it'll mark 5 years since Racing Hearts first aired. Hard to remember I still remember the days leading up to it's premiere like how people noticed Sam's new VA (who had yet to be revealed as Alyson Stoner) in the preview that had been released beforehand.
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    I agree. They are so bloated and bland that your eyes almost get tired looking at them. Drew's posters on the other hand are visual treats.
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    @CousinMerl & @OldSchoolerSimpsons Nowhere is this more evident than the Blu-ray cover for The Muppet Movie. Both of the original theatrical posters as amazing as the rest of Drew's stuff (he actually did not only all the posters for all the theatrical Muppet films through Muppet Treasure Island, he was also one of the main artists for Muppet merchandise through the 90s), while the aforementioned looks like a C+ at best assignment from someone's first attempt at Photoshop.

    By the way, thanks for sharing considering that happens to be my favorite Muppet film.
    @John95, I kinda thought your favorite was Muppet Christmas Carol, but I wasn't too far off.

    But yeah, reading your example with the BD cover for the initial Muppet Movie using some lazy cover makes me even more think of the bad and annoying habit of DVD & Bluray covers tending to go for some tacky photoshop job instead of using the original poster art.
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    Seems as though Phil Payton deleted his YT channel. Shame, I enjoyed a lot of his reviews and he was one of the few people who felt like he was actually being fair whenever reviewing AD! by pointing out the flaws even in episodes he enjoyed compared to Bubbleblabber where a lot of their AD! reviews feel like they're written by the episode's writers using a pseudonym.
    You mean like how PIEGUYRULZ's last SpongeBob ranking was like? I didn't even enjoy his season 10 video that much, since you could tell he wasn't having fun at all and simply seemed to trudge through it than trying his best to make it entertaining. It didn't surprise me he stopped uploading altogether some time after that.
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    Too bad that it felt like it became a burden and distraction to him. I'd had hoped he'd leave it up for posterity, but seems like he's been struggling some mentally some so I can understand he just wanted that part of his life gone altogether (and even having it up as an archive that he wouldn't touch would be an annoying reminder). Always sad to see when content creators want everything gone, but I get it.
    No use in keeping up with Reddit DMs since we're both here, but I just finished the Scott Pilgrim show which we talked about some months ago. It's funny you said the movie might pale in comparison. Because to me, the show pales in comparison to the movie. But not in all aspects though. It looks better, because I prefer animation and think the artstyle is very charming. But storywise, the movie beats this show by a mile. Although I do think you're likely to enjoy it more if you see it blind, it funnily enough hinges on you understanding a lot about the original comics AND the movie, since the whole arc about them making a movie is in most ways a reference to the production of the film. I'm definitely not one of the nerds who's just crying about altered source material. I love plenty of media which completely warps the source material. My issue was that the story this show presented, compared to the movie, was so generic and uninspired. A future version of Scott going back in time to change the timeline is not really as creative as they seemed to think when they were writing it. It's a fairly tired trope I've seen plenty of times.
    Grifty McGrift
    Grifty McGrift
    I don't actually hate Teen Titans Go funnily enough. You've clearly seen more of it than me, so I'll take your word that consuming a lot of it would be draining. But I mostly just see clips here and there, and I'd say most of the jokes are actually quite funny. The writers are clearly at least having fun with it. It's watchable as goofy versions of characters I like in short snipplets. But watching all the episodes, yeah, no. I've seen a bit of the Ben 10 reboot and it's really hard to have an opinion on it when it's just Ben 10 for very little children. But unlike TTG, it doesn't even seem to be funny. Just stale and juvenile.

    That said I didn't know you had seen Ben 10 or Teen Titans (presumably). Those are some of my favorite shows. I generally prefer action/superhero stuff nowadays, so even if TDI was awesome it would not be a priority.
    Nowadays, Teen Titans Go! to me just exists. Not the worst thing out there, but it's long it's course especially after a decade of being on the air as well as two movies. And yeah, I guess it can be funny when you're watching isolated clips and not whole episodes like how the aforementioned The Return of Slade is basically the first in a long line of episodes of the show to exist simply to tell the critcs to go fuck themselves which usually just makes them look petty.

    Yes, I have seen the original Teen Titans, watched most of it first run actually starting with the second season which is now 20 and I immediately feel old! Also have the complete series Blu-ray set. As for Ben 10, I've seen everything from the original franchise barring Omniverse and the live action films. That said, I do plan on checking out the former later this year though with caution since I've heard about that being the one from the original that most fans don't like.
    Grifty McGrift
    Grifty McGrift
    I've heard about that being the one from the original that most fans don't like.
    Sounds like you're still living in 2012. It was hated for no other reason than looking too different. The writing and stories are more silly/not as serious as Alien Force or Ultimate Alien, but it's mostly similar to the original series. You'd think fans would like that, as the first is often cited as the best. And they probably would, the truth is most angry fans simply didn't watch it because of the art design, so it was just disliked under the assumption that it was a juvenile reboot... Which is what the series following it would ACTUALLY be. So don't let that fool you, it's a fantastic series, and my second favorite of the franchise.
    While I know your pfp is of Burt "Sal" Wilson, where exactly is this image from?
    It's an image that's been around the SPP/CEC fandom for a while. It was taken in 1983 at Creative Engineering (where the RAE was created) when Michael Jackson of all people was there visiting.

    Here's the full image:
    Just out of curiosity, what were your thoughts on You Can’t Handle the Booth?

    I found it to be an unbearable episode to watch, it was hard to keep switching between what was on screen and the voice over.
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    @Snowy At one point it was gonna be even more baffling as it would've ended with a The Orville fanfiction style ending, but Seth didn't want the two shows to intermingle. Not sure if that would've been better or worse than how it actually ended.

    For me, the whole thing just felt like an episode long version of the Klaus commentary gag, and proving why this idea doesn't work for a whole episode.
    @John95 Have you seen anything from The Orville for the record? I started watching the show this year and am really liking it so far.
    @OldSchoolerSimpsons No, but I have thought about maybe doing so ever since it first came out. Recently, my mother was actually into it a few months ago after one of her friends introduced her to it.
    Hello fellow Total Drama Island (2023) hater.
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    @Jackomon Yes, episode 5 is indeed the fart one. How is it worse than a lapse of judgement?
    Not sure exactly, just feels like it would be. Honestly not sure what I was thinking when I said that
    To be fair, what sucks about episode 5 is that some of the wider plot stuff was kind of interesting, its just couched in farts which sucks and random dinos which is almost even more annoying
    your birthday is tomorrow @John95 atleast i think so that's what you told me so i'm gonna believe it

    so happy early birthday buddy, friend........... i think we're friends we've chatted long enough to be ''friends'' i'll just say we're friends and go with it lol

    HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY PAL enjoy it :heart:

    you're a cool member and i hope you stay on here for the next deca- that's too long maybe, i dont know

    well anyways, have fun in your birthday enjoy the gifts people send you and stuff

    here's my gift
    a spinning staff wahooo

    edit: your birthday is today now, happy birthday
    howdy fellow owl house fan, am new!

    i'm hoping we'll bond over our love for both the Simpsons and the owl house

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