paul andres is a cunt. YOU HEAR THAT PAUL.
anyway, tobacco road, on first impression, is now a top fifteen movie for me at least. i need to watch it again before i give any sort of detailed review that's worth a damn, but i can say that i can't wait for the opportunity to watch it again. from the opening shot of the windy dirt road, which set the mood so fucking perfectly, i was hooked.
i'll get around to gummo but trust me, i think i need to be in a herzog mood before i check it out, and those come and go. i'm more interested in checking out the rest of ford's films. i was on board for the man who shot liberty valance, how green is my valley, and the grapes of wrath, but then -- although i liked it -- the searchers sort of dampened my desire for ford. i don't know, it was a good film, just not on par with the others. i'm planning to check them out in the order that you ranked them unless you have some suggestion for someone who loved tobacco road, but isn't nuts about the searchers.