sorry forgot we wis talkin
post-okc radiohead songs i think are often made great by the instrumentation & vocals subtly being set against one another. or at least, they don't appear to be in exactly the same frame in mind (whereas in a coldplay or u2 song everything is all pointing in the same boring milquetoast direction). the percussion in reckoner, mccoy tyner piano in pyramid, everything in morning bell, everything in packt sardines, the percussion in videotape, etc. the only sign of that in codex is the parts i mentioned, the rest is all pretty straightahead. as is lotus flower. the tracks i mentioned i liked have mroe of that vocal-instrumentation antagonism thing
but lotus flower...ok. i hadnt heard any of the thom solo versions (i try to avoid doing the thing of hearing radiohead songs years before they appear on albums). but yeah. thats pretty special. and the king of limbs arrangement sucks the life out of what, i can see, is actually a completely wonderful song