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  • burning is definitely the way to go. there are a lot of gems in that uncollected works volume, since many were never published simply because they were too racy/controversial for publishing houses, too long for magazines, or viewed as "dated" by the time faulkner was trying to sell them (world ii stories during a time when people were trying to rebuild their lives and move forward, i guess).

    there's also some atrocious stuff in there. at least five stories that have the same plot but told from the perspective of different characters. anyone without an unhealthy obsession with him would have skipped that section.
    (continued) there's also two stories where he attempts straight comedy, not as i lay dying black humor and irony. one is a bizarre story from a narrator who discussing being paid by a character named "will faulkner" to write stories and publish them in faulkner's name. the faulkner character is a lazy, idiot farmer. that was at least entertaining, but the other one is him and sherwood anderson exchanging tall tales in a mark twain like fashion. the only problem is they're not funny. they're just bizarre exaggerations. i couldn't figure out if it was an homage to twain or poking fun at his love for the tall tale. either way, yikes.

    so, uh, to conclude this rambling message: evangeline is worth reading.
    since you loved absalom, absalom!, i highly suggest reading his short story evangeline. it comes in a pretty massive "uncollected stories" book, but i'm sure there's a copy the text floating around online. it's not a particularly great or even very good story, but it reads like an outline for absalom, absalom! faulkner would frequently begin writing a short story and then ditch it (or actually tried to sell it in new orleans to a market that didn't want it) it's not a condensed version or anything, but tit's obvious that it was a stage of the evolution of the amazing absalom, absalom!

    it's very interesting, to me at least, to read earlier drafts of works (or in this case, a failed short story that morphed into his best novels) since they frequently illuminate the writer's process. as someone who always wanted to be a writer (but uh, can't write), i love learning how they write and edit.
    yeah i prefer the wire too but it's great how they complement each other

    the wire being a macrostory about institutional corruption with each season being a novel and each episode a chapter of it, with no manipulation of the plot or dramatic music, with the entire plot mapped out well in advance

    the sopranos being a microstory (with a lot of characters still) about ambiguous morality and passion, with the episodes being written more like their own films as opposed to constant building..and of course the dream sequences/flashbacks/etc
    finished the sopranos finally

    loved six pt. 2, especially the final two episodes. christopher's demise was a pretty big punch in the gut though
    we have such a heated and impassioned, yet strained board relationship. the dynamics are positively tense!
    No, but I've been meaning to forever. I've kind of gotten back into my film-watching groove whatever that means. It's on instant so I'll watch it soon or
    what have you been watching lately? Yeah, Yellow Sky is so good. Thank God for Richard Widmark.
    Your Jebus reworks were hilarious! could you please ply your wit on my caption contest entry? .. I could use a ringer at this point.
    i was gonna expand the story and have a scene of your caricature getting drunk at a piano and playing brian eno songs
    yeah i saw you looking at john hughes

    thinking, "maybe he's winding up for that cum bomb"
    it better be a cum bomb you fuck muppet

    also buy my book when it gets to retail
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