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  • Hello!

    Do you have any other adult animated shows you like besides The Simpsons?

    I know you've watched most of Futurama, and you don't watch Family Guy or South Park.
    To be fair Dave, I think he does check the Family Guy thread sometimes, as well as the Futurama thread and the King of the Hill thread, but he barely ever checked out the Bob's Burgers thread, especially The Great North thread, the Duncanville thread, the HouseBroken thread, the Krapopolis thread, the Grimsburg thread nor the Universal Basic Guys thread
    Does anime count? If so, I love Dragon Ball.

    I intend to watch at least the first few seasons of Family Guy at some point. Bojack Horseman is also on my to-watch list.
    Dave the AniDom King!
    Dave the AniDom King!
    Hmm really then? Well, I don't watch anime often.
    Happy New Year, NHC. Thank you for being my internet home and family. Remember:

    Be curious, not judgmental. Nothing is irreversible. Never be cruel, never be cowardly. Always try to be nice but never fail to be kind.

    Aspire to be better than you are.

    I hope 2025 is good to you.
    You always talk in English on this forum but how come you never speak Australian in any of your posts? how does the australian language function anyhow
    Alright, alright, you win. I see you’ve played knifey-spoony before.
    Oi mate, what're ya on about? I do speak' Australian, ya drongo! This is English, just with a bit more spice and less bloody poshness. If ya wanna hear me go full Aussie, I'll chuck in a 'fair dinkum', a 'strewth', and maybe a 'bloody oath' for good measure. Now quit yer whingin' and grab a tinny, ya flamin' galah!
    Mek The Halls
    Mek The Halls
    Hello 👋 i happened to stumble across your post on the ''Rank your favorite shows'' thread and i happened to notice you had a show called ''the simpsons'' ranked as your #1, I had never seen someone mention this show prior, as i thought it was a relatively niche thing, but when i saw your ranking i was ecstatic! as i had also enjoyed this show for quite some time now, and to find someone who also watches it, especially something as niche and unknown as this, blew my mind. I'm gonna need to know more! what're your fav episodes and seasons? man, someone should make a forum about that show, so we can discuss it more easily. sigh if only it took off.....
    Upon going through your season ratings, would you say the solo Jean era is worse than the Scully years? I ask because your ratings on episode from s13 onwards have only soured in recent times. However, I still remember you saying s11 is still the worst season in your opinion.
    I expect season 11 will still be the worst, but you never know! As soon as I'm done with season 19 (and the holdovers), I'll be re-watching Scully.
    Updated personal stats on Selman's performance as showrunner:
    • Selman's 1st 22 (The Food Wife - The Serfsons) - 3.93/5 with 6 perfect scores.
    • Selman's 2nd 22 (Springfield Splendor - Uncut Femmes) - 3.63/5 with 5 perfect scores.
    • Selman's 3rd 22 (Panic on the Streets of Springfield - From Beer to Paternity) - 3.86/5 with 9 perfect scores.
    • Selman's 4th 22 (Step Brother from the Same Planet - Night of the Living Wage) - 3.75/5 with 5 perfect scores.
    And my current evaluation of the co-runners as of Bart's Brain:
    • Carolyn Omine - 4.93/5
    • Brian Kelley - 3.77/5
    • Tim Long - 3.60/5
    • Rob LaZebnik - 3.20/5
    • Michael Price - 2.75/5
    It's worth mentioning that the comment about "the middle segment" was also made in XXXI!
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    Wile E. the Brain
    Wile E. the Brain
    I also remember a similar comment passed as a gag in 'The Wettest Stories Ever Told'.
    With all due respect, if you stuck 'Time and Punishment' in the middle of its respective THOH episode because it 'kinda sucked', you have zero funny bone in your body. Maybe Reiss was on to something with his comment on 'Lisa the Skeptic' after all (kiddin').
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    Me reacting to Reiss's quote - "You don't get that on Spongebob."
    Mi scuzi!??! Spongebob doesn't deserve to be an example of inferior screenwriting, when the screenwriting of Spongebob is exactly what set it apart as often very experimental and good. I'm quite sure Spongebob did a story within a story a few times anyway...whatever that episode was with Patrick crashing off a cliff (it was "I Had an Accident")
    like this had a lot of complex flashbacks IIRC,
    for example, and so did the Mrs. Puff "Doing Time" episode which has lore, flashbacks, and a twist.

    But that's just me being a Spongebob defender....
    B-Boy it’s your birthday! Happy Birthday B-Boy!
    I wish you love and goodwill, I wish you praise and joy. I wish you better than your heart desires, and that's for @B-Boy !
    Thanks guys. You're too kind!
    A BIG Happy Birthday to you, B-Boy, you wonderful user!


    Have a great one. You've added lots of goodness and enjoyment to discussions over the years. Keep it up!
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    Legend! Thanks so much for sharing such kind words.
    Your birthday is one day after Homer's! Neat

    Happy Birthday friend! Have a good day and may you have many more years to come. You are great, you deserve the best! :)
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    I'm touched! Thanks a bunch Sandboy.
    So I heard you're the birthday boy ! (Or full grown man, whichever you prefer)
    Happy birthday dude ! Thanks for all those times of being an extremely insightful and very pleasant to talk to member !
    Hello, Brad! Until there will a deep night in Australia, I congratulate you on your birthday. You're one of the my influencer usets on NHC:aww:. I wish you a good health, a rich wealth, love and calm to you and your close family.
    Thank you, Bohdan! I really appreciate that dude.
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