Thank you, and I'm glad that you let me know what you think of him. It's good to know that you are seeing that about him and what used to not really bother me about him has started to become cumulative, so I'm not quite as accepting of his replies as I maybe was a year ago.
I understand that. It's very surprising to see someone with my opinions posting on here, especially someone who has become a pretty common border. I agree that some of my posts from earlier this year weren't the most polished and while I won't ever reach the quality of you or TFD, for example, I'm glad to see that you think I've improved.
Thanks for saying that. I have no problem with his interest in the show. Especially since he is very talented and his investment has spawned a hobby of his that he and other people enjoy. I have no problem with him disagreeing, but I think his fandom of the show (or at least the classic era) has crossed the line a little and I just wish he was a little less cynical.