850 (!) The B's episodes ideas

(production note: I had known this post would take much time to write, so I prepared it a day earlier (not the only case)... but preparing couldn't keep and post it now.:D)

Invalid Inclusiveness
Written by
Christine Nangle
Directed by Jennifer Moeller
EP: Al Jean and Matt Selman


Marge and Lisa open an educational institution for people with various types of disabilities. Although there are different reasons for it: Lisa sees potential in them, while Marge does so out of pity

Very, very hyped anticipated story. I'd be really curious to watch it in reality. Seriously, The Simpsons as show almost don't pay attention/picture people with disabilities. The Sound of Bleeding Gums had this topic? First - no - it wasn't about actual inclusiveness, to my personal regret:oops:. And second, the base for it came a long ago yet.

A few years ago, in Ukraine (and in world) people started to rise so "pity" theme of inclusiveness - there was whole campaign to inform about much aspects of life of people with disabilities. The aim is, of course, equality in rights. Right to work, study with "normal" (very sorry for this word, even it's in braces) people, instead of being left behind, study or even live in internauts.😟

Nowadays, I say in general, people with various types of disabilities are everywhere and, in my opinion, CAN DO EVERYTHING as well as "normals" people without disabilities. And Lisa is of the same opinion. She sees potential in them - you can do this, while you're able to do that". While Marge in story wouldn't be opposition of Lisa, but let's said Marge represents obsolete stereotypical opinions about people with disabilities. She just feels empathy for them, without sorta respect and seeing for their development prospectives. And, obviously, Marge and Lisa would have conflict over it. And I'd lie, saying this is right position, while other is completely wrong. No: it's really good to respect, empathy for people with disabilities, but also important to feel respect, equality for them.🥲

I'd also to note on "with various types of disabilities". These are people with: Down syndrome, autistics (in different forms), physical disabilities, hard dyslexia, cerebral palsy, speech defects etc. It would need to take a bunch of respective guest voices.

About the title: "Invalid Inclusiveness". First, it's kinda of abusing phrase. Because, as I had said above, "invalids" is wrong title for people with disabilities, though much shorter to write. And "inclusiveness" isn't just about disease. Temporary disabilities, impossibility with prams for mothers, seniors' unable to read clear etc.

Afterall, I say, I do not belong to people with disabilities: nor mentally nor physically. However, I do know there are several users on NHC with some disabilities, who DON'T HIDE IT. I always had a respect for them. Err… this idea dedicated to you, guys and gals.:)
Skinner the Stinker
Written by
Ryan Coh
Directed by Michael Polcino
EP: Al Jean and Mike Reiss


Skinner has problems with sweating, and that causes, he is not perceived at work.

Seymour would for some reason produce more sweat, than usual. And, naturally, surroundings wouldn't be able to notice that. Skinner is thrown with offences, "bad jokes", glances from the braid, insincere emotions, as if hiding something.

In short the basement is my own sad past experience. The story is really close to me.😞 And I really don't want to tell the details, but just (as story morale): even in our modern world, people still judge a book by its cover, ignoring person's real abilities.
The Fight of the Backstage ("The Star of the Backstage" episode title pun)
Written by Jeff Martin
Directed by Chris Clements
EP: Matt Selman


After a play in the theater, Lisa accidently discovers in the actor's dressing room that he laid hand on woman…

The story is understood. Err… the main theme is: does the mastery of work cover bad acting? Sorta like. Just came to it

I really couldn't decide with that "actor".🤷‍♂️ First thing I though is about obvious - who's the most famous theatre character in Springfield? Right - Sideshow Mel. But almost immediately I refused, because it seemed too obvious choice😁. Who's next - right - guest star. But later I again decided to choose Mel😅. And just recently I got back to generic "actor" word🤣, let's said, Mel's friend.
Today We're Going to Discover, whether the Education Can Be Really Interesting
Written by
Joel Cohen
Directed by Lance Kramer
EP: David Mirkin

MARTIN IS DISSAPOINTED AND HOMER REPLENISHES HIS VOCABULARY IN ALL-NEW "Today We're Going to Discover, whether the Education Can Be Really Interesting"

Lisa and principal Skinner reveal to Martin, that his favorite blogger-teacher (guest voiced by some popular educational blogger, if there is) spreads false statements. Meanwhile, to expand his vocabulary, Homer reads children's fairy tales (of different peoples of the world), and enjoys this.

The main story comes from real life, I think. While blogger's video lessons are really interesting, with much experiments, which just couldn't be in ordinary schools. However, deep bases for the material is false or semi-true.
The B-plot is funny:lol: Again it's from me😌. I discovered I should replenish my vocabulary for my… errr… native language for English there is Google Translate😁. It's a bit true - adults' vocabulary is getting less and less because we're lazy. I found a book for myself and started reading it. To said, it's a good way to spend time🙂. Before "the Internet times" being a kid I used to read much.
The title was almost last-time thing.

P.S. If anything, Google Translate thing was just a joke, and I try to use it little.

UPD2. Forgot to write, why such long title. It's a reference to bloggers' videos, where they usually started with "Today we're going to [do smth]…"
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Lovers, I Hate You ("Haters I love you" rubric from Ellen show name reference)
Written by Someone random inactive writer. Let it be Ian Maxtone-Graham
Directed by Rob Oliver
EP: Mike Scully


A reverse story (how it happened, how it came to this, via earlier scenes) of what naked mr. Burns was doing in bed with Marge, when a furious Homer exposed them… Also, meanwhile (earlier in the time) Bart and Lisa provicate Homer to produce an all-new mutual word.

I do know both stories sound crazy🤪, and just couldn't work (especially after recent my ideas). Analysing: the main story us typical marriage crisis (or worse), but the funny portrait of it and format-bender part would probably make it funny. The B-plot is… whatever 😹

Burns did check the home state of employees
Hello, @Bohdan,

Here is my review of episodes

Happy Ned Year sounds great and i imagine very well Flanders being drunk like maybe in real 12.11

I enjoyed as well Inclusive and Invalideness. For this story, what about Homer and Bart ? Do they take sides from the women's clan ? Or they have a separate plot ?

I also liked Skinner the Stinker. Sweat can be a real problem, and i totally sympathize :)
I enjoyed as well Inclusive and Invalideness. For this story, what about Homer and Bart ? Do they take sides from the women's clan ? Or they have a separate plot ?
Subplots aren't necessary for all the episodes. Just "women clan")

And thanks.
Thread, Old Thread ("Home sweet home" reference)
Story by Jessica Conrad Teleplay by Al Jean and Matt Selman
Directed by ******
EP:Al Jean and Matt Selman


In search of new ideas for the show, the Simpsons staff team turns to the old, forgotten NHC creative fan-fiction thread for "fresh, undone ideas". However, somehow, after a very long absence (let's said, 17 years), the member, who created the thread returns…

Haw-haw-haw-haw:lol:How hypocritically and egoistic it could sound! Obviously, it's came from real NHC life.

We do know for sure, the 'real' Simpsons staff read NHC and everything (or not) what fans write here (without mentioning, no a long ago Matt Selman tweet after Bart the Cool Kid review 😂). So, very probably, they read fan-fiction ideas (maybe even this thread:suspicious:), though, as I know, officially they have not right, actually. I came to this story, when I traveled via NHC archive thread and from tome to time there were only "oh, it reminds me, what [username] had written in his fanfic" posts.
I don't declare "because of obvious lack of ideas the staff just must sometimes turn to fanfic". This is really false! In my view, if somehow it's true, this isn't even a problem - moreover fresh view on the show from fans themselves would be ok.😉

And back to idea, add the main problem of plot would be copyright laws, appeared from nowhere.

Guest stars: nowadays Simpsons staff as themselves

The Children of Africa - See below

The Haemorrhoids - See below

Antananarivo! (the capital of Madagascar, and reference to the cartoon with the same name) - See below

Money Mommy - Mother's Day - See below

Outside In ("Inside Out" cartoon title pun) or Asleep in Springfield ("Nosleep in Seattle" movie title pun) - See below
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The Children of Africa

The Haemorrhoids

(the capital of Madagascar, and reference to the cartoon with the same name)

Money Mommy - Mother's Day

Outside In ("Inside Out" cartoon title pun) or Asleep in Springfield ("Nosleep in Seattle" movie title pun)
The three latter seem good
The Children of Africa
Written by
Al Jean
Directed by Bob Anderson
EP: Al Jean


Bart bores with his antics/whims, so Marge tells him, that the "children of Africa" are much worse. This inspires the boy to charity
Guest star: short cameo of Angelina Jolie, world-famous actress and UN ambassador, as herself

Just for case I explain the joke plot. Maybe it's local and very seldom used, but when the kid starts to irritate with own whims, parent tells "see, you want that thing, while children of Africa have nothing". And thus the kid starts to value what he/she has. Sometimes the phrase can have ironic character, like said: "you want some more sugar in tea, in the same time, children of Africa have nothing":P
Also prod. note I again put this idea to wrong, subplots list, and it just stood in queue. So, it isn't related to similar sounded next, Madagaskar-related idea title.
Foreword chalkboard writing: I won't use drafts for easier posting to save time, but instead must writing this post TWICE and losing a time:hulk:

The Haemorrhoids
Written by
Loni Steele Sosthand
Directed by Matthew Nastuk
EP: Al Jean (season 18 style)


Homer feels a pain due to detected haemorrhoids. On the advice of a doctor, he becomes more mobile, eats properly, loses weight and changes for the better (even facial features change, and Homer looks like a "real" person).

First: the story is based on my experience… again😅 I've been suffering from haemorrhoids for several years, and opened myself all the physical and psychical pain this disease causes😣. And there was a painful period I couldn't tolerate. And there becomes a treatment point with changes in my routine, healthy habits etc.

P.S. I must produce less self-based ideas😅. Seriously, this is fan-fiction thread, not "let's translate my life intimate moments into the Simpsons universe". Sure, own view on story with some real life experience is good, but in the same time there can't go too far with it. I'll try to avoid it😉
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Antananarivo! (the capital of Madagascar, and reference to the cartoon with the same name)
Written by Someone random inactive writer. Let it be Richard Appel
Directed by Jennifer Moeller
EP: Mike Scully


Lisa wins a contest, the winner of which (with own family) to be able to take an exotic pet to its living area. However, it turns out that the animal is the Tasmanian devil*, and when the pilot (who brought the family to the island) saw this, immediately (being afraid) left the Simpsons family alone in Africa among wild animals…

Oops. My bad - I've just notices Tasmanian devil living area is… Tasmania:rimshot:, Oceania, not Africa nor Madagascar (forvsome reason I thought about it):facepalm:. Anyway, the episode would be funny and cool.
Money Mommy - Mother's Day
Written by Dan Castellaneta and Deb Lacusta
Directed by Michael Polcino
EP: Matt Selman


Marge gets a job in a mega cool company, where even a cleaning manager earns twice much as Homer. However, there people say offensive things to each other as a joke😊, what Marge can't get used to (guest stars: some actors from "Corporate" series). In the same time Homer is embarrassed that he has become a dependent. Meanwhile at school children are given a task on Mother's Day to write a VERY tearful poems for mothers (with public recitation on Mother's Day event).
Outside In ("Inside Out" cartoon title pun) or Asleep in Springfield ("Nosleep in Seattle" movie title pun)
Story by Ryan Koh Teleplay by John Frink and Rob Lazebnik
Directed by Matthew Faughnan
EP: Al Jean and Matt Selman


Lisa can't wake up, so everybody things she passed away…

This is really dark, experimental story. I have never done so dark-themed idea (Lisa's Diary was similar, though). It's a sleazy topic of meaning of life.
Expansion: Lisa has a long, beautiful dream, that lasts a bit long. Tge viewers would see most of episode though Lisa's consciousness. Outside of it, Lisa's closes are worry for the worst… Even dr. Hibbert and Reverend Lovejoy constant, Lisa's mind/soul is far away from her body.😥
In the same time, Lisa's dream ends and the girl left alone in a void of own consciousness. Just a black void, Lisa's "flying image" (hope, you understood) and view holes like eyes to outside world. She (image) wants to end it all and waje up, but she can't. And there are a very tearful and sad scenes, how the people farewell to Lisa and are going to move her body to oven in irder to burn it to ash (episode "Funeral for a Fiend" showed that machine)… Will Lisa be able to wake up until too late?😰

Unlike you could see the lazy solution - that's all is just girl's real dream, but, in my view, NOT so simple. Sure, the episode would be non-canon (Lisa is needed for further stories).

I'm really not sure nor remember, what was the inspiration for the story.

Would be a great season finale!
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So, here's season 17 episodes ideas
  1. Just Another Day in Year (TBIH01)
  2. Religion and Medicine III (TBIH02)
  3. Guest who Came to Dinner (TBIH03)
  4. Treehouse of Horror [season 17] (TBIH06) - Halloween
  5. Abe to the Future (TBIH04)
  6. You Are Lisa Simpson! (TBIH07)
  7. Homr Get Marg (TBIH05)
  8. Happy Ned Year (TBIH08) - New Year-themed
  9. The Artist's Inspiration (TBIH09)
  10. Invalid Inclusiveness (TBIH10)
  11. Skinner the Stinker (TBIH11)
  12. The Fight of the Backstage (TBIH12)
  13. Today We're Going to Discover, whether the Education Can Be Really Interesting (TBIH13)
  14. Lovers, I Hate You (TBIH14) - Valentine's Day
  15. The Haemorrhoids (TBIH17)
  16. Thread, Old Thread (TBIH15)
  17. The Children of Africa (TBIH16)
  18. Antananarivo! (TBIH18)
  19. Money Mommy (TBIH19) - Mother's Day-themed
  20. Asleep in Springfield (TBIH20)
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Midseason 17-18 post.

First - about drugs drafts… I really mean drafts:suspicious: I've started use them. They're really useful for easier posting: when I had more free time (in evening) I prepared a draft post in order to just to click "post reply" the next day morning without additional waste of my working time. That's great actually.😂👌 Even THIS post is prepared earlier evening. However, once it didn't worked - now I do know drafts saved only for 2-3 days at maximum😌

Also I always like the thing: I can post winter ideas in hot summer, or recall the Mother's Day every month etc. That's a great time independent😎

As I had said in previous midseason post, season 17 was really fantastic for myself even (well, at least, stories sounded better than for 'real' season 17). It was a season of controversies: I told about information security, but in the same time, published someway too intimate moments of my life😅; I said I wouldn't use drafts, but here they are. Despite all goods for the first time I thought about the endof this thread:cricket:
Seriously I felt really tired of all this, for the first time had a wish "oh, it isn't interesting and objectively useless. My self-irony humor is useless. I'm lack of good stories, and suck every, well most ideas from a finger. It's absurd: I saw the object and oh, how about make a story around it. Outside world events are really terrible and my ideas sound selfish. Why?😖" That was a short depression, caused, I think, just by season (summer) tiring of work and need only a break for rebooting🥱

But just after season 18! And, you know what? It is a special, because ALL OF ITS NEXT IDEAS ARE "THE FRESHEST". So, I didn't wait for 9 month to post them - just one month at maximum. Why in 18 number, why not the nice 20? Easy - 18 is the age of maturity in Ukraine. Forget about "sucking fingers" - there are some real gems ahead:D. And don't worry for 20 I also have something special, I hope.

So, there will be:
quadropoly THOH with requested story - yes, yes:ac:
flashback, how 2 characters met
The Simpsons will be divided… several times
controversy political episode
stories about: Burns (several ideas), Brokman, Carl, Patty and Selma, Maggie, Ralph and… surprise (the title will reveal everything:corny:)

Random title: I Wanna Know, why the Caged Clowns Sing (or, forget the Krusty in list)
And from the next week all-new, the freshest season 18 ideas

Back My Baby - See below

Treehouse of Horror [season 18] - See below

You Didn't Have to Meet (and Like) Me ("You Don't Have to Live Like a Referee" episode title pun) - See below

100 Resons why I Love Politics (Nothing) (the title is a reference to a book about Trump or Republican party, where there was empty pages. I can't find it now, help if you can) - See below
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Back My Baby
Written by
Rob Lazebnik
Directed by Steven Dean Moore
EP: Al Jean and Mike Reiss


The Simpsons are chased by a madwoman (guest voiced) who demands to give her Maggie, because "this is her child"…

It would be a really mad woman, without any plot twists as her words could be true😜 She knows Maggie well, though.
Treehouse of Horror [season 18]
Written by Dan Vebber
Directed by Rob Oliver
EP: Al Jean and Matt Selman


My Sister, My Killer (film "Sister My Sister", and "My Sister, My Sitter" episode titles reference)

NOTE: Segment concept is a parody on some TV-show, where the character tells the comments about solving her (yes, it was a bit sexist show) problems in family and their solution.🤷‍♀️ There are much obvious and really silly conclusions told. Let's named it "Drama in Family". If you are VERY curious, I can send a link on that Ukrainian show. The inspiration came from recent watching it.

All of Selma's suitors disappear before or immediately after the wedding (reference to her as multi-bride:D). She becomes suspicious and decides to tell (as main character of "Drama in Family") about the investigation, where they all went. Spoiler just in case  It turns out that Patty loves (not loves as sister, but LOVES💞) Selma and can't see her in love with others, so she secretly killed all Selma's fiancés 

The Boy, who Grew too Much (seems like unoriginal "The Man, who Knew Too Much" title pun... and the same name was already used:lol:)

Homer's "family stick" (used to mark growth at different ages; somewhere it used for children by parents) sees that Bart is 5 cm (2 inches) taller than Homer… at the age of 11. Now, tealizing that he will be "giant" (it's about the phenomenon of acceleration - every new generation gets higher and slimmer than their ancestry, though this term is wider), Bart wants to catalyze this process, and buys somatotropin (Growth hormone) in the darknet and drinks all for night. In the morning he gets giant (the height of skyscape) and skinny (like a Slenderman) and uses this to destroy everything as revenge…

Initially the story was rather a parody on Gulliver's Travels, but I wanted something more original

The Time Machine for My Lovely Mom

Lisa accidentally kills Marge (the girl failed, when giving her a knife to mom) Having nightmares (as a kid who killed own mother), Lisa uses Prof. Frink's time machine to fix everything. Then it turns into infinity loop to the past, because every time something worse happened😌

The Invisibility (the title is just pronounced by Homer)

Inspired by @AnthonyNoHomers70100

Just white screen - EVERYTHING IS INVISIBLE. You can only hear the talks of characters.
The plot itself: the characters woke up and discovered they see nothing - NOTHING AND NONE…😶‍🌫️
Treehouse of Horror [season 18]
Written by Dan Vebber
Directed by Rob Oliver
EP: Al Jean and Matt Selman


My Sister, My Killer (film "Sister My Sister", and "My Sister, My Sitter" episode titles reference)

NOTE: Segment concept is a parody on some TV-show, where the character tells the comments about solving her (yes, it was a bit sexist show) problems in family and their solution.🤷‍♀️ There are much obvious and really silly conclusions told. Let's named it "Drama in Family". If you are VERY curious, I can send a link on that Ukrainian show. The inspiration came from recent watching it.

All of Selma's suitors disappear before or immediately after the wedding (reference to her as multi-bride:D). She becomes suspicious and decides to tell (as main character of "Drama in Family") about the investigation, where they all went. Spoiler just in case  It turns out that Patty loves (not loves as sister, but LOVES💞) Selma and can't see her in love with others, so she secretly killed all Selma's fiancés 

The Boy, who Grew too Much (seems like unoriginal "The Man, who Knew Too Much" title pun... and the same name was already used:lol:)

Homer's "family stick" (used to mark growth at different ages; somewhere it used for children by parents) sees that Bart is 5 cm (2 inches) taller than Homer… at the age of 11. Now, tealizing that he will be "giant" (it's about the phenomenon of acceleration - every new generation gets higher and slimmer than their ancestry, though this term is wider), Bart wants to catalyze this process, and buys somatotropin (Growth hormone) in the darknet and drinks all for night. In the morning he gets giant (the height of skyscape) and skinny (like a Slenderman) and uses this to destroy everything as revenge…

Initially the story was rather a parody on Gulliver's Travels, but I wanted something more original

The Time Machine for My Lovely Mom

Lisa accidentally kills Marge (the girl failed, when giving her a knife to mom) Having nightmares (as a kid who killed own mother), Lisa uses Prof. Frink's time machine to fix everything. Then it turns into infinity loop to the past, because every time something worse happened😌

The Invisibility (the title is just pronounced by Homer)

Inspired by @AnthonyNoHomers70100

Just white screen - EVERYTHING IS INVISIBLE. You can only hear the talks of characters.
The plot itself: the characters woke up and discovered they see nothing - NOTHING AND NONE…😶‍🌫️
Respect your opinion, but I think that you don't like invisible with visible floating clothes.
Respect your opinion, but I think that you don't like invisible with visible floating clothes.
I remembered you had told about the clothes:rolleyes:, so I wrote "inspired" not "taken" or "done as was talking".

Like/don't like didn't matter here)
You Didn't Have to Meet (and Like) Me ("You Don't Have to Live Like a Referee" episode title pun)
Written by Someone random inactive writer. Let it be Jon Vitti
Directed by Bob Anderson
EP: Al Jean


Lenny and Carl quarrel over inconsistencies in the story how they met… (featuring Simpsons family, I mean the today conflict)

The story how they met would take place in childhood age (and wouldn't affect on "show canon", if you are worried ☺️)
100 Resons why I Love Politics (Nothing) (the title is a reference to a book about Trump or Republican party, where there was empty pages. I can't find it now, help if you can)
Written by Tim Long
Directed by Matthew Nastuk
EP: Al Jean and Mike Reiss

SPRINGFIELD IS DEVIDED BY POLITICS IN ALL-NEW "100 Resons why I Love Politics (Nothing)"

Starting with Lisa, who says that when she grows up, she will vote for the Democrats, unlike the old family tradition (let there is something 😄), the aspen is raging and gradually the whole city is in conflict due to political positions… (Democrats vs. Republicans vs "the 3rd force"; liverials vs. conservatives - all tge pain points of USA🤗)
Next fresh ideas

That's Again - See below

Divided… with Children ("Married… with Children" title pun) - See below

The Boss Is Always Right (pun on phrase "the customer is always right") - See next page

Just Marge (and Girlfriends) (pun on "Just Marge (and friends)" cabaret show from "Behind the Laugher" episode) - Дивіться наступну сторінку

Cop Gun ("Top Gun" title pun) - Дивіться наступну сторінку
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That's Again
Story by
Dan Greeny Teleplay by Joel Cohen and Christine Nangle
Directed by Timothy Bailey
EP: Al Jean and Matt Selman


NOTE: The episode is non-canon

Homer dies and relives his life since start (being a baby, but has clear memories from… the actual state), but now he knows what will happen (all the good and bad events), however "cannot interfere" because "there will be darkness so"…

About that darkness condition. Between death and reborning, Homer's mind goes to heaven - unlike all the conceptions. The heaven is already full, so new deads are sent back to life… again. There is just an "administrator", who welcomes minds and send them. And he said that condition.
Guest star: Morgan Freeman as administrator/himself

The story sounds very philosophy🤔 - essential question - what's after the life? It would be great episode.

P.S. I might collect all my "Homer goes to [another/parallel universe]" ideas sometime🤣
Divided… with Children ("Married… with Children" title pun)
Written by Someone random inactive writer. Let it be Daniel Chun
Directed by Matthew Faughnan
EP: David Mirkin


During another Homer and Marge quarrel, Ned Flanders is intermediary, who adopts Homer and Bart ("the boys must stand with boys") to live in his house. In the same time Marge in company of Lisa (and a little of wine🍷…) sadly analyses Homer.

Actually to see Homer living with the Flanders and makes them uncomfortable was the initial base for story.

The ending is predictable 🤗